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From Dream's list:

Limited Edition Imperial Helms:LE Imps (Colored Imperial Helm + Imperial Token = Colored Limited Edition Imperial Helm) e.g. Blue Imperial Helm + Imperial Token = Limited Edition Blue Imperial Helm [All Stats + 5]

TODO: Need to test Imperial Token Exchanger NPC!

PvP Happy Hour: Move PvP Happy Hour during friday euro WoE to before or after WoE to prevent possible PvP cheaters during WoE.

(Happy Hour is now at 11 AM on Fridays, and 11 AM on Sundays so they don't conflict with other events)

TODO: Verify that the times are working properly!

Exchange Ticket NPC: Add tickets for Aloevera, Box of Resentment, Box of Sunlight, Elemental converters to Ticket NPC, because people vend those and need those.

Fix Map errors with new maps: New maps are erroring, they need to be fixed.

Change to String Fcity: Change back to spring fcity

Change login screen: Change login screen back to old one

Kill Notifications during WoE: Enable them in every castle

TODO: I tested them and they are working (right now), I am asking Ares to confirm they work ingame.

Floating rates: Floating rates message when logging on a character so that everyone is aware and/or at least add them to the bulletin board at Fcity.

Quest Room: Turn off PvP in all quest rooms. - Dream can you clarify what rooms exactly need to have the PvP turned off?


From suggestions:

Buff high wizard weapons/headgears: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/30449-high-wizards-need-love/

Star Gladiator weapons: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/30462-stargladiator-needs-love-d/ - Dream can you solidify a list of possible effects?

Change to Thana system: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/30287-thana-system-being-exploited/ (either make it so there's a random cooldown [so its not always exactly x amount of hours, but 48-60 mins etc. OR broadcast before it resets so people aren't just hoarding it).

TODO: It now announces on the 10 minute, 5 minute, 1 minute and 30 second mark. needs to be tested!

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