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Hello Forsaken RO.
I'm Senri. pronounced Sen-ree. soo to let you all know im a noob in Private servers. first private server ever. i came from International Ragnarok Online. Into the specifics, i was in a few guilds from there. Sarap Mag beer. Animosity. Smokies Ect ect. i loved woe and then people started to bring lots of drama, such as using irl pictures of others in their videos. i mained a SinX over there and some other stuff. Tryin to start anew is pretty cool :D nice to meet you all :D


Hello and Welcome to Forsaken RO server. I hope you have fun playing the game, if you do, please do share it with your friends and bring them over, it be nice to have new players and please ignore the Bullies/Jackasses in the game, its just better to have fun instead. I hope do you find new friends/ family. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask one of us or the GMs who would be online in the forum at that time. If you have any ideas or thoughts on how to improve the game, please post in the " Suggestions Section ". If you have any problems or questions regarding about classes, builds or gears, please post it in the " Strategy Guides Section ". If you are having problems with the game itself, crashes, errors and bugs, please post something in the " Help Desk Section ". If you are seeking assistance GM's help in the game, you can contact GMs in the Chat Box up there (Who would be online at that time) OR by typing @request " QUESTIONS or QUEST REQUEST HERE " in the game.


Suggestions Sections

Strategy Guides Section

Help Desk Section

I do admire those people who plays the International RO ones lol and I even tried playing the official RO but I got bored when I reached level 94.... and I was still a Knight lol Didn't even bother to max it out LOL *sigh* im such a noob there, still a noob here.

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