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Newbee Question

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I suggest you to look in the guide section (thief clases) there is plenty of guides there.

In orders to get the beat gears donate is not really necesary because 80% of the items can be obtained

via quests or voting but its real that better items are only obtainable trough donation system.

PD: you can still try to buy them from other donator.

Posted (edited)

The entire FKing set can be obtained by vote, valk helm too, and u can have extra stats with this set. But for the expansion hats, u need the original FKing set to have the extra effects, because they don't make set with vote Fking set.

The fknight set is very good too, and have good variety of hats to use, because u can do the quest of Margaret and Lionell at (for_elite 66 92) and other events to gain hats that make combo with your fknight set and have the same stats of Fknight helm.

Edited by pixel9986

In vote shop its called:


and cost 50 vote points.

The expansion hats are hats that gives the same stats of valk helm, but have diferent designs. They can be obtained by donating or buying from other players.

Obs: U dont get the bonus of the set if using vote valk helm with common FKing set, or if use the common valk or other expansion hats with the vote FKing set.

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