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Hello! This is my first time suggesting something in this server's forum, so please take me lightly! :th_swt3:

Also, there aren't any posts about this as I checked to no avail, but if there are either way I'm so sorry to trouble the readers then!

So I'd like to suggest a Shop Search that could be put in the Control Panel if possible.

It's like an online access to players who want to see if the items they're looking for are being vended in the Market.

Maybe I should explain it more so.. It kinda goes like this:

Player wants to buy Carat Diamonds cuz they're too lazy to even hunt for them

So Player goes to Control Panel and clicks on Shop Search

A Search Bar appears and Player types in "Carat Diamond"

The Following will be shown:

  • Item ID
  • Name of the Item
  • Amount/Quantity being Sold
  • Price being Sold
  • Refine (equip/weapon)
  • Cards Slotted (equip/weapon)
  • Shop Name
  • Location (OPT since most vends are in the Market anyway)
  • Vendor Name

This idea actually came from another server I used to play at and I find it pretty useful if we have it for Forsaken's Server :th_blush:

and it looks like this


So there's my suggestion~

I'm really sorry if there are any similar posts like this, I might have happened to not see it so forgive me :th_sry:

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+1 would be easier for new ones as well. But i don't know if they can implement this. Im not a programmer or knowledgeable on this things xD but yeah i like the idea.

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I think you can just use http://ratemyserver.net for this. Implementing a search query could lead to a lot of work.

Hello Mister ChainBreak!

Yes I know what I'm suggesting takes a lot of effort, but I'm merely stating what I think is useful, so if they do not wish to implement this, it is fine c:

And I think you are mistaken.

in RMS you can only check the item and which NPCs sell them or which mob drops the item, I speak of the Player Vendors in our server and who sells what online FRO

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This suggestion is actually pretty helpful, if it wouldn't be asking for too much. +1

With a search engine that allows the users to type in a specific item they're looking for, it could save time for said user (rather than having to look through all of the vends) and it may also help the ones who are vending due to the search engine that would consider all of the vends and not just the ones visible on screen. In addition, people would also be able to compare the prices of the vends with ease, giving both the buyer and the vendor an awareness on the regular price for certain items.

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+1 for this idea , its good for the lazy ones and its helpful when you cant find the item you need to find

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I think we have @whosells enabled so I don't think the GMs will bother with this.

I have checked the commands in-game before posting my suggestion, and there's no such command

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