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Legendary Wep Quest Help

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Posted (edited)

User: vinnz (WIZARD)

it seems that i cant quest the legendary weapon? need help pls. :th_hp: :th_hp: :th_hp:


* This is the first step, when i try to talk with this npc he says that i need to bring the required items to the Librarian which is on the "fcity 60 163"


* Second is when i talk to the librarian this is what happens.

and try to continue with the steps on the Legendary Weapon Quest Instruction here http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?app=ccs&module=pages&section=pages&id=1&record=134

and after i finish step 1 til step 10

when i get back to the librarian its still the same message showing, and not allowing me to continue the quest.

i try to repeat the quest with the same procedure but still it wont allow me to continue.


I already finish the Knight Quest.

and collected all the items needed for this quest.

Need some help pls.

Hope for a quick response.


:th_thx: :th_thx: :th_thx:

Edited by vinlinger

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