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What Does A Proff Blessed Ring Do? 'cause So Far, It Looks As If It Does Nothing. :s

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I was comparing, and I don't see a difference really besides 2k less matk than a cursed ring... Is there something wrong with the descriptions that I don't know about, is the blessed supposed to give you the 20% attack? If anyone does know, please let me know because I am curious!


for fassion.. :3 kidding aside.. uhmm.. i believe GMs are on their way on changing the effect of the rings by the next update. currently suggestions for prof bless ring are still ongoing...


Hey are you Ilia in FRO?

Yes. o_O


If you're hacked please file a ticket at the ticket system. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?app=tickets

About the professor blessed ring, it is in the suggestion forums for discussion right now. Players are discussing what is needed to make it a viable addition to the class.

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