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Can you finish the IMPOSSIBLE QUiZ?

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I can't Understand the question are :)

Actually most of these questions are kinda' easy just a little tricky.


I'm too afraid to play it. x___x The music scares the fuck out of me. (Said a kid that likes horror movies.)

I will try it tomorrow, when it's not 1AM. ;_;


Spamming is a nice way to show you are not interested in something but next time I'd suggest you just to stfu. :>

In case that referred to the quiz,

Hi. (:

Huh you stfu, wtf is your problem, i said the QUIZ piss me off, if you don't understand you better ask first stupid ignorant.

Quit flaming and trying to be like daddy ffs.

Focus on the quiz and read replies thoroughly.

I'm tired of you trying to copy me and Ami on everything, and copying iRO >_>;

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