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Eternal Midgard's Recruiting Thread

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the latest time (4 months Back) have i been troubled very much lately. even if i would have much time to spend on the computer, i wouldn't have time to play RO. and now im on a vacation and i got freetime, But i wont sit all the days next to the computer if you tough that. So im pretty sure that this guild will die (if it already have) the next few weeks.


Eternal Midgard is a guild that is supposed for 1 purpose: Having Fun. We are threating everyone with respect whatever it is a enemy or friend. Ragnarok Online is a place supposed to have fun, Right? We are focusing on helping each other while we continue our journey in Forsaken. We threat people that we wish to be threated, there's no shame in that. Everyone in the guild is a part of eachother just like a family.

Guild Master

Imafake, a High Wizard. Its me also^^


Nobody Currently

Guild Level


Guild Town


This will be the meeting point for all our activities. So please take care of everything before the trip in another town, as there are no Kafras, healers no tool dealers.

Guild Emblem

Our current emblems are these: EM.jpgEM1.jpg - If you have some nice 100% own made Emblems that you wanna share with us, i would be thankful.


Everyone is welcomed to join the guild as long as you log on once every 2~3 days, you are free to leave at anytime. Take note that if your job is too generic and is bound to not be sold, you may be kicked in favor of a rarer breed. Although once we have enough space for everyone, an invitation will be sent to you again.


  • Be able to speak in comprehensible English.

Be tolerant. If the employer tells you to do this and that, follow the orders accordingly. When the boss is happy, everyone is happy. =)

Be able to solo somewhat. This guild could possibly be made up of slackers, if you want to party everyday, this is not the guild for you. Parties will be held when the required class are on, not more not less.

Member Section

Upon joining the guild, you will be asked to post in this thread stating your "ID profile" following this format.

Copy and paste this code to fill in your profile.

[*][b]In-game name[/b]: 
[*][b]Base level[/b]: 
[*][b]Job level[/b]: 
[*][b]Play Time[/b]: 
[*][b]Your current build[/b]: 
[*][b]HP Potions[/b]: 
[*][b]SP Potions[/b]: 
[*][b]Extra Usables[/b]: 

P.S.: Post your profile on this thread so I can link your personal information in the Member Section below.

Member List

In this Section it shows who is a member of our Guild. Everyone is allowed to view it.

P.S.: This section will be constantly updated.

P.S.2: Each "+" signifies the In-Game Rank in our guild So the more "+" there is, the more generosity you are. You will get more "+" When you do kindly stuff for people like Borrow Zeny or Stuff for guildmates, Gather something for them etc. When i notice or somebody tell me about it i Put a "+" Directly to that person.

Red Color = Guild Leader

Blue Color = Co Leader

Green Color = High Ranked Member / Trustworthy Member

Example of Function's:

Leeching, Bounty Hunt / Item Gathering, WoE'ing, Deadly Poison Killing, MVP Killing, Potion maker, Potion Aid, Homunculus camping. Trappers, hunters, music or dance buffs, Pvp'ing

Swordman Job Members

Primary tanks and excellent mobbers. Swordman is a class that can suits in every functions.

Knights & Lord Knights

<Insert member here>

Crusaders & Paladins

- 255/255 Paladin I Sacrifice You : Tanking, Leech & Item Gathering.

Mage Job Members

Primary damage dealers for mob leveling, precasters and SP whores.

Wizards & High Wizards

- 255/189 High Wizard Imafake : Leeching, Bounty Hunt / Item Gathering, WoE'ing.

Sages & Professors

- 255/189 Proffessor Borealis : Leeching, Guild Taxer.

Archer Job Members

Trappers, bounty hunters, music or dance buffs, Loki's Vail.

Hunters & Snipers

<Insert member here>

Bards, Dancers, Clowns & Gypsies

<Insert member here>

Acolyte Job Members

Support, exorcism, 1-hit wonder.

Priests & High Priests

<Insert member here>

Monks & Champions

<Insert member here>

Merchant Job Members

Forging, DPS Gods, pot making, hydra camping with homun and the famed Acid Demonstration.

Blacksmiths & Whitesmiths

<Insert member here>

Alchemists & Creators

<Insert member here>

Thief Job Members

Killers, MvP luring, bounty hunting, spreading hate on the streets with Graffiti.

Assassins & Assassin Crosses

-255/255 Assassin Cross Redemption : Deadly Poison Killing, Leeching, MVP Killing, Item Gathering.

<Insert member here>

Rogues & Stalkers

<Insert member here>

Taekwon Job Members

Leechers, emp breakers, buff whores.


<Insert member here>

Star Gladiators

<Insert member here>

Soul Linkers

<Insert member here>

Expansion Job Members

Desperado mobbing, Cicada Skin Shed mobbing, AoE halting.


<Insert member here>


<Insert member here>

  • In-game name: Imafake
  • Job: High Wizard
  • Base level: 255
  • Job level: 183
  • Play Time: Around 4PM~9PM on weekdays. Varies in the weekends. My GMT is currently 1+, on the summer time i get 2+.
  • Function: Not sure in this line however, Tanking, Leeching, Bounty Hunting.
  • Experience: I've been playing RO for almost 3 years so im very experienced in guild relationship, PvP tactics, Equipment tacticts and Leveling tacticts.
  • Alternatives: I dont got any other chars currently.
  • Your current build: Magic Spell-Caster.
  • HP Potions: Yggdrasil Berry's.
  • SP Potions: Not necessary.
  • Extra Usables: Speed Potion, Alovera etc.
  • Equipments: Collecting Equipment..
  • Description: Swedish/English Talking Male. Very Friendly.

In-game name: I Sacrifice You


Base level:255

Job level:255

Play Time:1-2 hours per day?

Function: Tank.

Experience: Very Experienced.

Your current build: Holy Cross, and Shield Chain build.

HP Potions: Yggdrasil Berry

SP Potions: Yggdrasil Berry

Extra Use ables: Box of Storms

Equipments: Pike, and Forsaken gears.

Description: I'm a man.


whoaz very detailed O.o and i agree with nightmare

best recruitment page evar

In-game name: Redemption

Job: Sinx

Base level: 255

Job level: 255

Play Time: around 2-4 hours aday depending

Function:dps i guess

Experience: meh im ok i guess..

Alternatives:*points at my siggy*

Your current build: crit

HP Potions: yggs

SP Potions: yggs

Extra Usable: BoS/BoT/Converters

Equipments: MGs and Forsaken Gear

Description:uh.. Frilly!

Wow,nice thread. Best recruiting page I've seen throughout my RO life. o_o

Really? I've seen even better Recruiting Threads and i'm not even finish^^ Have you visited a site with 4 people only or what? :D

Really? I've seen even better Recruiting Threads and i'm not even finish^^ Have you visited a site with 4 people only or what? :D

No,I just live in a box.


In-game name: Borealis

Job: Professor

Base level: 255

Job level: 189

Play Time: Alot

Function: Leecher, I'll level your guild since it's quite interesting, "Professional Player" I could help your members out on stuff.

Experience: "Professional Player" I'm known as Damascus or Remy LeBeau, I was here since the beginning of the server, I'm known for my "good" Paladin that a while back was incredible (I've won a Team LMS myself without having to rebel in the middle of it), I PvP oftenly and know almost everything required to know about RO.

Alternatives: Damascus, Thanatos, Remy LeBeau, Quarantine, Lyric, Mike.mp3, Dynamo. None of those are my alternatives, I switch oftenly but those are my other characters.

Your current build: Battle/Leecher.

HP Potions: Yggdrasil Berries

SP Potions: Yggdrasil Berries

Extra Usables: Box of Storms, Glistening Bottles (for use of /desp members only)

Equipments: Secret

Description: Old player of Forsaken Ragnarok Online, met Genesis long ago in the forums of another when he randomly pmed me and asked for my e-mail, pretty fucking creepy I thought he was a hacker, after telling me about his story and vision for the best RO server, I soon discovered that he was a valuable man with a powerful abillity to lead people on and so I became interested in this campaign and joined him in, offering him my aid on his works and giving him ideas on Quests/Holiday Events he put me up to a GM position which I remain regardless of my bad-attitude against few on my legits. Currently working on controlling my attitude on my legits so it won't affect the others I offer my current knowledge to your guild upon the server. My main characters are in /desp a guild created by Ami in which I house in with my main characters. I could leech your guild and level it with this professor.


Nice thread, 10/10. As soon as you get more professional members and flourish, I might just ally you with /desp.


Great!.... This was the best recruiting thread i've ever seen... This makes me interested to join.


[*]In-game name: Zeek

[*]Job: Champion

[*]Base level: 255

[*]Job level: 194

[*]Play Time: server time 19:00-aprox 5:00


[*]Experience: i duno ;)

[*]Alternatives: i duno too ;)

[*]Your current build: Asura+sub TSS

[*]HP Potions: YGG

[*]SP Potions: yGG

[*]Extra Usables: water box

[*]Equipments: FullFgear

[*]Description: Boring rofl

[*]In-game name: Zeek

[*]Job: Champion

[*]Base level: 255

[*]Job level: 194

[*]Play Time: server time 19:00-aprox 5:00


[*]Experience: i duno ;)

[*]Alternatives: i duno too ;)

[*]Your current build: Asura+sub TSS

[*]HP Potions: YGG

[*]SP Potions: yGG

[*]Extra Usables: water box

[*]Equipments: FullFgear

[*]Description: Boring rofl

Zeek, It seems that you aren't very experienced either in Ragnarok or English. Can i ask how old you are?

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