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A Version Of Battle Royale

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I was just thinking if we could have a tournament-type event, somewhat similar to BR but here's the diff. and details.

• Participants must build a team/party consist of 5 members.

• Every team must register so the GM's will know how many teams will be joining the event. Registration should be announced.

• The GM's will do the bracketing for the elimination until finals.

• Fights will be 1vs1 only so it means before every fight, both battling teams should submit their line-up to GM of who's gonna fight first, second, third and so on..

• Only the fighting member will go up the (arena?) other members will just watch outside the arena. A GM will host every fight.

• First team who get 3 wins will advance to the next fight.

• Not all fights will happen in one day. The GM's will post fight schedules in the forums. It's up to them how many fights will be held on the scheduled fight.

• Since the event is time consuming, the tournament will run for the whole month..eliminations, semi-finals, and championship.

• And lastly, there should be also alloted space for everyone who wants to watch live fights. That place should be warpable except ofcourse inside arena (dunno if it's possible)

So there, what you guys think? And oh btw, Imma call this event ---- "The Ultimate FRO Championship!" (UFC)

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