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Soo, I'm 25 yrs old, mexican, Odontology student and an awesome Paladin Tank in World of Warcraft (Malganis -US)

I joined about 2 or 3 weeks ago, cant remember...

Playing with my friends from High school

Im a min/maxer, I always try to optomize my toon as best as possible.

i love raiding, or anything that requires communication (Ventrilo/Mumble)

I tried to be a paladin like in WoW, but failed miserably.

So Im an Assasin Cross right now.


Welcome to the Server!

If you need any help or assistance, feel free to drop by at the Help Desk!

Enjoy your Gameplay!


Awesome man, there's a lot of us Mexicans here so it's always good to see another. :P If you're just starting off yeah Pally won't be easy to use, you need to have some good funds to use that class here. SinX either tbh, Sniper and Wiz are generally the best and easiest classes to start off with.

But yeah, welcome to the server. =]


Welcome :3 hope you'll enjoy this game.

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