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Pt Vs Pt War Event Suggestion

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GM Team and Fellow Fros,

I'm not sure if anyone has suggested this event before or if I'm at the right category here on forums. Guide me please. Automated events are quite boring so I thought I'd share this and I've never seen a gm hosted an event like this.

Party vs Party War Event (PtvPt) :

• Four teams will register and fight until only one team remains.

• This event will test the parties teamwork and strategies to outwit the other teams.

• Max of 7 members or it could also be 5v5 depends upon the host.

Strictly : No job repetition.

• The party leader will be the one who will choose his members. [Added]

• Prizes are up to the host gms. (10 Event Tokens, or more so.)

The matches would be :

We'll start with Elimination round, [race to 2 ; meaning 1st team to have 2 points.]

1st Match : Party 1 vs Party 2

2nd Match : Party 3 vs Party 4

Ranking will be based on the registration.

First to enter GM's pub will be the 1st party (and so on) until we have full pub.

Finals [race to 3]

Winner of 1st Match vs Winner of 2nd Match.

In the finals, 1st war team to have a score of 3 will be the champion!

It can be an everyday event since we have a lot of active gms now.

These are only my suggestions. Feel free to post your opinion belooooow.


Edited by Hej
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Well, this would basically be like a mini-Battle Royale with a smaller prize, or LTS with 4 teams split into brackets instead of just 2 parties going at it. Another major difference is that players (I'm assuming) would be able to pick their own party members, like BR and unlike LTS.

I do like the idea of a bracket, the 2/3 (could make for some pretty hype stuff) and it being daily. I think it would be cool if there were small tournaments like this to get more players into PvP and stuff, but I could see a some trouble coming out of organizing it. For instance if there is more than enough players (for instance 21), some might be upset if they can't make it in, or if there's 19 and a full bracket can't be run.

If this was made like a mini-BR, that happened daily at a certain time but with a smaller prize, that would be cool. The bracket thing I'm not so sure would work, since some teams might get a free trip to finals, etc. But again I think for the most part this sounds just like Last Team Standing with [1v1]v[1v1] instead of 1v1. Personally I wouldn't mind if LTS was hosted instead of something like this (LTS seems like a lot less trouble to host than this might be), but I would also love if something like this was implemented. A small, daily tournament with brackets and perhaps a thread on the forums for the winners to reap some bragging rights could give players even more to look forward to and give more of a reason to be on.

tl;dr - I think something like this would be awesome, there's a lot of good directions the staff could go with this. But since it sounds a lot like another version of LTS then I wouldn't really mind if GMs don't start hosting something like this, since they can just host LTS.

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Oh, so there's LTS. Well they can just remake the rules and technicalities of that event. It would be fun if people will fight with their friends and also it will encourage people to gear up, make new friends and improve their gameplay. I forgot to add that,

• The party leader will be the one who will choose his members.


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The problem with this is that it becomes pretty limited on who can join. I would remove the no job repetition rule if it was me.

We actually had a version of this kind of LTS back then around 2007-2008. As I remember though, it was the GMs that created the parties and picked the members in the said party. However, we didn't have a restriction on how many members on each team nor the job repetition.

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The problem with this is that it becomes pretty limited on who can join. I would remove the no job repetition rule if it was me.

We actually had a version of this kind of LTS back then around 2007-2008. As I remember though, it was the GMs that created the parties and picked the members in the said party. However, we didn't have a restriction on how many members on each team nor the job repetition.

The main purpose of no job repetition is for the players to explore every job that the game offers and not just stick to a job that is known to be strong. It would be unpleasant to see a party full of sura, or bio or taroters. It would be more like of a job showdown.

As for the "limited players can join", well you can extend the party up to 8 or even 10. You can also adjust the matches up to 6 parties or even 8, depending on how many parties would like to join. As I said, it depends upon the host gm.

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With the job limitations on, it will not be possible for other players to actually join the event. If the leaders will pick off the members, naturally they wouldn't choose a newer guy for a certain job. It would be who is well known for that class and he will get picked up while the others forgotten. And a good leader will not pick a party full of one class anyway, they will get murdered.

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I get your point GM. But my point of raising this kind of suggestion is for the players to have tactics, teamwork, and for them to enjoy war event with their friends. + Exploring other jobs and skills.

If the leaders will pick off the members, naturally they wouldn't choose a newer guy for a certain job. It would be who is well known for that class and he will get picked up while the others forgotten.

Definitely, you have to create a strong party to beat the other teams. I don't get this > "he will get picked up while the others forgotten". How can others be forgotten when they can join another team? I ain't pushing my original rules since the GM would be the one who will host this. You may revamp the rules, but I'm suggesting that max out the job repetition up to 2 only.

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This is just like Saving Bob the only difference is that you need to save and escort bob out of a certain map, nevertheless its still like pvp'ing between parties.

And yes this may encourage others to gear up but as we all know its not as easy for others, since they cant donate like others too.

In addition to that...

If the leaders of each party would pick his members then as GM Shino said, leaders will try to get the most geared of that job/class for his/her party. And yes you are saying others can join other parties, but what im thinking about that is that average geared players will be forced to team with each other. And if you were to put a battle between them, who would win? A party full of really geared members or a party full of average geared members? this may explain what GM Shino is trying to say on the phrase "he will get picked up while the others forgotten".

Edited by sartorius19
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@sartorius19 -

Your main concern is that average players and those who don't donate will be left out with this event if I'm not mistaken. Well i said, this event will encourage players to gear up. You don't need to donate in order to complete your items. I can attest to that, I NEVER gave out a single penny to complete my gears and not to brag, I'm a month old player. People get bullied because they let people bully them. There's a lot of options for you to earn some bucks ingame, some are just lazy and hopeless. I can't help those. :3

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well as i have said. its not as easy as it is to others to gear up and you yourself maybe geared yourself up a month but what about the others?

Please don't expect others to do what you have done cause players are different, and events are not intended for some but for the most and those most are averaged geared players.well though this decisions will still be in the hands of the staffs.

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Let me just correct you lad, I don't expect everyone, someone, somebody to do what I did. LOL I just shared my experience. :)) Chill your veins. I doubt that LMS, GVG and the likes are for the average geared players mate. :)

I think I already pointed out everything in this topic, it's up to the GMs now if they will approve this or not. :)

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I also never donate but i can beat u huehue with my legend gears <3

And i never farm :o

Its not rly about material :)

Experience also count :3

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i know guys. I just cited my point too. and im not raging lol n__n

and as i have said before lets leave the decision to the staffs.

and Neil ofc u always attack me randomly even when talking to others :3 nevertheless i am just an average player lol.

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