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Niño's Stuffs On Sale!

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I'm selling set requirements for Friggs Shield except of the ff items:


2x King Shield

D.Wiz Card

Symbol of Brave

If anyone of you guys know the price for the stuffs? Just leave me a message. Thank you :)


OP Prices I know:

EOF: 100 - 150

F.King Shield: 98 - 100

D. Wiz:(not sure) 20

Symbol of Brave: d/k

hope this helped ^^,


Nooooooooooooooooo :/

I didn't ask for the price of EOF,Cards,King Shield,Symbol of Brave.

What I mean is the prices for the other items in bulk.

Like 40 items (bulk). Because I sold 34 items for friggs with the said quantity for each for just 80tokens.

I'm just a 2-week old that time on the server.

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