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Dislikes: annoying players

whoot! me too. Welcome back, and your art is very nice ^__^

Wow, huge gap between the dates! Normally this isn't allowed, but since you revived it saying you're back, I'll let it slide! I haven't had the chance to meet you, so welcome (back)! I'm Amorous, and if you ever have any questions or concerns, please use the @request command in game and an online game master will help you out! Hope to see you around!

D: Really? Sorryy!! ^^;;;;; ill definitely do @request when i need answers :) but i dont want to bother you with noob questions, see? XD

Nanjooo :]

You were the one that lived near me right???!

Anyways Welcome to Forsaken, I'll help you with w/e you need.

BTW;; Forsaken RO & Quality RO are hella different but I hope

you enjoy your stay here. Honestly, Anything you need, just ask. :]

EDIT; How's heaven's wing? Lol

i think so yeh :) haha we still chat on MSN and on forums :) yeh it is different from qRO but its still nice :) it actually gives me a chance to look around RO. i like seeing new monsters and see what they drop.. (kinda reminds me of pokemon except for the dropping part LOL)

Dislikes: annoying players

whoot! me too. Welcome back, and your art is very nice ^__^

glad you liked my art! :D come visit my thread often : D


Dope, we got a Korean girl here who writes/speaks korean like I do.


i think so yeh :) haha we still chat on MSN and on forums :) yeh it is different from qRO but its still nice :) it actually gives me a chance to look around RO. i like seeing new monsters and see what they drop.. (kinda reminds me of pokemon except for the dropping part LOL)

Anyways, I hope to see you in game :]

Welcome again & Make sure you check out the fRO vent,

You'll meet some interesting people there...


Come visit my art thread too ^__^

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