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yoes o(Ôwô)/

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hello : D

my name is edvin and im 15 years old xD

im from norway and

i have played ro-servers for one and a half year i think..

i was bored an found this server.. hope its good and hope

i will get some new friends here.. btw.. if you meet me in game,

im a female (just female account, because its fun) lol x)

im interested in pc, games, music, friends, emo etc etc.

cya around :3


Welcome to Forsaken Ro,Hope you enjoy yourself in game. And vote for fRO every 12 hours if possible ty;p


Hellow and ncie to met ya..

Enjoy and explore the Forsaken ro :)

Like the others have said, welcome to the Forsaken RO Community. (:

Welcome to Forsaken Ro "The Forbidden Reality" We hope you have a good time here meet me or my sis in-gameand if you leave I shall hunt you down and kill you......>:D /gg /gg

Teh Ebilest Person,


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