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I just joined the server few minutes ago. So far so good :) Everybody is really nice and I hope that it only will be better. But I got 1 question? Can I see somewhere what the most and the less played class is here? and what class is the best for pvp and mvp?


Fauwfiets :)


I don't think there's a way to find out the least/most played classes. From what I've seen, Whitesmith (not really but worth mentioning), SL, Taekwon, Super Novice, and Stalker all don't seem like very popular classes. Most played would definitely be Champ, Sniper, and Biochemist; the rest of the classes are in between those.

As for PvP classes, pretty much every class is viable (with the right equipment) in PvP... Except for support classes, like Priest, for obvious reasons.


thanks for the fast response. How is the professor class doing in PvP?

Posted (edited)

Professor does okay from what I've seen... For the most part Prof is a support class in a kind of way...They're not too great in 1v1 situations. Just very good in team situations, like to check people who don't use GTB (fighting a Prof and Asura Champ at the same time is pretty damn hard). You can use the card (I think it's Dragoon Warlord) that auto casts Divest Shield to counter GTBs. But fighting someone who has FCP and GTB, a Prof is pretty much screwed (edit: I'm wrong here, haha. The custom weapons for Prof give Stave Crasher, so they're not completely screwed). I'm not exactly sure but from what I've seen crit/melee Profs aren't viable. Profs are great in WoE because of Dispel (and checking people who don't use GTB obviously), though.

Edited by Autopsies
Hello! Welcome to the server. =)

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