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To Make. Strong Lord Knight?

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if u want really strong, use donate gears

but if u cant afford yet, use knight set and legendary stuff [weps, gauntlet, zod]


My gears for LK

Fking helm:2keils

Zodiac:maya P

Choco piece: keil

Legend LK spear:2tg 1incan, 1thana

Frig shield: usk

Fking cloak: 2ray

Fking boot:2fbh

2 str gaunt

So yeh i spiral only bout 10k so need help with LK build


first of all, thana and incant didnt stack. -Incant take priority offer thanatos.

second, spiral pierce didnt need incant. its already bypass def [ see the skil description ]

third, grab more weapons [spears and sword ] and experiment with cards and skill.

dont rely with spiral skill only. bowling bash skill give more damage then spiral.

thats all i can share atm.cmiiw

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