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[Gift to ihunt]The Damn Sig..!!

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Well this is it.....


WEll just for practice :)....

Err Somebody Help me to erase the White Back ground :(

Rate and comment..!!!!


Are you using PS or MSPaint? If you're using PS try looking up some tutorials. They are wonderful for learning techniques and such.


You might wanna save as a .bmp I think it's called to preserve the transparency. Someone tell her the right file to save it as ffs, I've gotta start using Photoshop again. Good sig anyways.


Save as PNG, best format for most pics.

And start with a transparent background, make your sig, select the whole thing, paste it in a new window with a bigger image size (transparent bg too) and then slap the Akuma pic on it.

Delete the BackGround and save in .PNG, it's will be transparente :P

How can i deleted it..

Well the whole sig is in one layer only :(..

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