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This is to make everybody; even our ForsakenRO community aware about Joseph Kony

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For more information about Joseph Kony, go to Youtube and type Kony2012. It's the half an hour video explaining and shedding light on his crimes.

We we're so concerned when they tried implementing SOPA and PIPA, we should be more concerned when a person like this commits such a demonic, inhumane act.


You say that this needs justice. You say that the concept of having a peaceful world is borderline impossible. You say that this point is like trying to give everybody what they want.

YES THIS NEEDS JUSTICE. If this was act was done in a more urban place; say like New York, London or Paris, more people would care because more people will be aware of it & people will care if it directly affects them.

It's not right to compare this issue to "I want to kill you whereas you might want to live forever" because that suggests that you only want to get rid of me for your own benefits where as this cause will benefit a huge number of young children; who are forced to kill their parents and fuck on command.

In extension to my previous statement, people only cares if it directly affects them. The best example of this is the SOPA and PIPA legislation that became an insanely huge deal for most of the young population because this affects their way of living, communication, etc. Why can't this issue be dealt with the same extremity? Because people like most of us isn't affected directly but what if you were? would you care then?

You say that the concept of having a peaceful world is borderline impossible; you're right. It's borderline impossible as there's always going to be someone trying to do the wrong things for their own purposes but what's stopping us from trying? what's wrong with people having the urge to do something about it? what's wrong with trying to contribute what you can to aim an impossible feat? 40-50 years ago, they said that the thought of having a black president is impossible, now Obama's laughing at their old arses.

Put yourself in a child's position in the LRA, would you still not care? would you say that it's impossible to stop Joseph Kony? would you kill your parents? would you do and follow his commands? or would you have faith in those who care and wants to stop him?

and finally, YES, I do love the ratio; I love the fact that i'm trying to do what I can to make Joseph Kony famous and shine a light on his demonic acts. and at least i've chosen a side. unlike some who choose to just stay neutral and criticise people who are trying to make the difference

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