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So Far 2012 Sux ...

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new years was f'n awesome; after that things quickly fell apart ..

too many things to go into great detail;

longtime love ended in the usual heartbreak slap to the face ..

a beloved family member passed 1000 miles away,

spent every penny i had to make it there ..

came home to an empty, eerily quiet house (i live next to a major airport and

2 highways, it's not suppose to be this quiet) ..

playing catch up on all my bills now ..

can't sleep ..

not hungry ..

not really depressed, just a constant state of stagnant boredom ..

as usual there is a "light at the end of the tunnel" but it's so hard

climbing back to the top 'AGAIN' that it's almost not worth it ..

think I'll just chill out down here and give someone else a lift before I go up

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