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Help Me Champ Stats, Cards

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Im noob...

can u help me..

my items are

F. Knight Set

Choco mouth piece

candy aura

help me on stats and cards

and some suggestions :D tnx for the help

Posted (edited)

For your stats you must have

6k sp, a total 150 dex, 195 ASPD, atleast 260-280 str and rest on vit

for normal type (cards)

headgear: 3kiel, MayaP/Fsold

Armor: Tao, GR

Weap: 2tg, Civil, Golden

armor: 2rays or ray Hollow

boots: 2 antique fire locker card

Str Belts

for full assura type:

only difference is at boots an weap

boots: tanee, FBH

weap: 2tg, 2civil

for tss type(note: you need a converter to strengthen its attack rate e.g. Box of storm):

Boots: 2fbh

armor: the same

cloack:the same

Headgear: the same

weap: 2tg, 2civil

I suggest better have as for now a Quest Rucksack,Fknux and Str Belts :D

so here hope it helped you xD...

Edited by Procastinate
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Good Luck in being a champ! :D

and do the elite quest if you haven't done it yet.. xD

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