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[Sotw # 49] Voting

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- Voting -

September 25th ,2011- October 2nd ,2011

Theme:Fire and Ice

Welcome to the voting thread of the 49th SOTW!
When voting in the SOTW, we will be expecting you to fully understand the rules.
Don't know the rules? Click Here

Rules that the voter must understand:

*Voters must have at least a post count of 10 in order to vote.
*Contestants are not allowed to vote for themselves, but are now allowed to vote in the SOTW.
*Judges' signature grades will be doubled (e.g., if a judge gives 10, it would count as 20).
*Non-judge points will count for full credit.
*Each voter must fill out at least one rubric for the entry of their choice.
*Each entry must have at least 2-3 GOOD sentences in addition to the rubric.
* Signatures will be based on a point-basis.

Voting Rubric:

Rate each of the following categories from 1 to 5, with 5 being 'excellent' and 1 being 'ok/decent'...

*Creativity - how creative the signature is.
*Technical - how challenging the attempted idea.
*Execution- how the idea is put together and how successful it is.
*Aesthetic- how visually pleasing the signature is, regardless of how complex it may be.

Include the total points.

Must include 2-3 sentences discussing the over-all reason why you're casting a vote for the signature.
Try to think in terms of the categories above, but you're free to discuss other elements as well.
(Note: you only have to do this once.)

Text: Birth of a Hero
Renders: http://planetrenders.net
http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://wallpaperstock.net/ice-flakes_wallpapers_7718_1680x1050.jpg&imgrefurl=http://wallpaperstock.net/ice-flakes_wallpapers_7718_1680x1050_1.html&usg=__cRg4gVPacG9NvYMODjhbss_bhIA=&h=1050&w=1680&sz=1672&hl=en&start=0&sig2=ikYUpW9GMairV09kzpjMcA&zoom=1&tbnid=5_GW_H0xPnEzTM:&tbnh=103&tbnw=165&ei=pCInTsKyJMfV0QGHqPHSCg&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dice%2Bstock%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26biw%3D1600%26bih%3D707%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=504&vpy=95&dur=223&hovh=177&hovw=284&tx=129&ty=109&page=1&ndsp=33&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0"]Ice Stock
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IGN:Thesik Bellamorte
Source: Can not be given because of reasons ive stated many times. because the render is all I really used, im going to post a screen shot of the my background for proof it wasn't premade. Though i have no idea why the hell I'd do that. http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u229/nines_01/Untitled-4.jpg
Only adding the link to the sig it's self also to compare quality :P http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u229/nines_01/KazeNo.png
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Font Used: Calibri
Resources Used: http://img.wallpaperstock.net:81/clouds-of-fire-wallpapers_13507_1024x768.jpg

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Sources : http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=Fire%20and%20ice%20background&order=9&offset=96#/d2xlsmx
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Text: Arial with some added effects to make it flame like. (wind, liquify, gaussian blur)
Sources used: http://studentweb.fortlewis.edu/ABSTEWART/author_files/image005.jpg
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IGN:Champion Accel
Brushes: Cloud and Fire
Text: Charlemagne Std Bold
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erm and the moon i cant put it in a link type :s
Text : Gastmask
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Sources: http://scorpionentity.deviantart.com/art/Fire-VS-Ice-154687422?q=boost%3Apopular%20fire%20and%20ice&qo=1



Font Used : Birth Of A Hero

Brush Used : Preset Photoshop Brushes, Stars and Stardust Brushes

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I was finally able to post this but i had trouble with the tags on this part of the forums when linking to other sites so that's why everything as it is. Edited by Seraphine
Posted (edited)

My vote goes to [3]Fafnir,

  • Creativity. - 4/5
  • Technical - 4/5
  • Execution - 4/5
  • Aesthetic - 4/5

    Total points : 16

I like how he make the sig, its unique, like how he made the water looks like a real ice and they got some reflection under it and the fire which looks like there's a war at the end of the sea of ice. The colors used work well together. Plus. its eye-catching.

Edit : woops, wrong total points addition. just realize it. xD

Edited by Poringly
Posted (edited)

My vote goes to [9]sookyay,

Creativity. - 5/5

Technical - 4/5

Execution - 5/5

Aesthetic - 5/5

Total points : 19/20.

I find it rather difficult to choose, cause I see a few really good entry in this. I personally really like appie's, poringly's sig on fire and ice but I vote for sookyay's sig is because of the RO sprites you used complimented both the girls well. I find it eye-catching and to the sense that it is link to Ragnarok in a way. Its like the girls on your sigs have their miniature-self of themselves in RO, oh btw it is cool that you added the Chinese words (Fire and Ice) as a tattoo on em. Haha, what more way to put plus the effects you used compliments your sig well.

Edited by Aerynth

My vote goes to [2]nines

Technical - 2/5

Creativity - 3/5

Execution - 5/5

Aesthetic - 5/5

Total Points : 15 x 2 = 30

There were some eye catching signatures but i chose nines signature for the appeal factor and it just caught my attention the most, also his render matched really well with his background. The ice thing on the right side was also a nice touch whether it was part of the background image or not, And the execution was done really well.

Posted (edited)

My vote goes to [8] Appie

Technical - 4/5

Creativity - 4/5

Execution - 4/5

Aesthetic - 5/5

Total Points: 17

Although the signature looks simple it stands out. It illustrates a calm and vibrant atmosphere with the use of the galaxy/space texture and not to mention a great choice of stock as well. Both fire and ice symbolize love in a way which is clearly shown in Appie's signature, the burning passion and heat of desire and the freezing sting of someones hate or jealousy who wanted them apart :)

Edited by Elaice

My vote goes to [9]sookyay,

Creativity. - 5/5

Technical - 4/5

Execution - 5/5

Aesthetic - 5/5

Total points : 19/20.

This is cool. I like the way she designed this, how the idea is put together like the 2 girls are inside the sphere its damn cool and how she manage the effects of these 2 ladies staring at you ,it's so sexy. :))

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