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Autoloot Slots

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I think that the @autoloot or @ali should have more slots.. I mean you could autoloot 1 or more items at a time..

it would be like @alootid <item> <slot>


@ali empty_bottle -----> default is 1 ofcourse..

@ali apple 2 ----> will be stored on slot 2..

in this way players could farm empty bottles and apples at the same time by killing porings... I know apples could be bought but it's just a noob example.. other situations may vary depending on the quest/items that you are farming..


effective farming for ALL players..

items disappears fast on the floor(which I dont know the reason why.. maybe someone can explain it to me) so you could loot items not just the one that you typed on @ali..

you will not be annoyed on looting some loots that you don't need on using @autoloot 10.. because you could use @ali ghostring_card 3 for example..

DISADVANTAGE: uhhmm.. I could really can't think of any.. maybe the farming of items will be faster if that's what you don't want to happen..


additional @command will be:

@ali list ---> will show the items on the specific slot..

this was already implemented on the previous server that I played so I think this is possible.. here are some screenshots..

SS of @ali empty_bottle and @ali apple 2:

Posted Image

SS of @ali list:

Posted Image

pls comment on my suggestion! :D thx for reading!

  • Like 4

i agree i think about 5 should do.

Also with 5 slot at alootid players would enjoy doing quest more.... and very convinient...


i agree


I don't farm, but I know its a huge thing on this server that's necessary for all the quests that we have so I really think this should be a priority. Its shown to be possible on another server, so let's implement it here!


Really nice idea.

For farmers, it would definitely be a +100000000000000



+1 for me too! But if it actually happens im gonna rant my ass off LOL when was this when I needed the most when I used to farm like crazy 2 years ago(24/7)!!!!


Haha Danny is right, where was this when we need it the most. Haha, funny!

Posted (edited)

Rejected topic

This has been suggested before and rejected for this reason :

At this time, adding a command like this isn't a viable option.For the time being use @autoloot

So putting this as rejected for now.

Edited by Seraphine

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