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Gm Activity Points

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Points (remember, you need 40 to redeem an item from Genesis):
[GM]Bishop: 36.5 (0.5 disappears if no event hosted by the end of 10/29)
[GM]Caesious: 40.5 (0.5 disappears if no event hosted by the end of 10/29)
[GM]Dream: 41
[GM]Fantasia: 72
[GM]Noir: 2
[GM]Perseverance1: 9
[GM]Zeal: 12

Tickets replied to (resets after 5):
[GM]Bishop: 4
[GM]Caesious: 2
[GM]Dream: 4
[GM]Fantasia: 3
[GM]Noir: 3
[GM]Perseverance: 3

Updated on 10/29 at 1:00 AM server time.

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