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What is the cards and things that popular nowadays? My friend trying to do the buy and sell :P help me please?

Posted (edited)

MvP Cards Like:

Kiel D-01 (kh_dun02)

Tao Gunka (beach_dun)

Turtle General (tur_dun04 at the Center)

Skoll (for_fild04 and for_fild05)

If you gonna sell it:

Kiel D-01 About 35 to 40 Tokens Each

Tao Gunka - 40 to 45 Each

Turtle General 20 to 25 Tokens

Skoll - 10 Tokens

Edited by Secret
Posted (edited)

Tq! but are you ssure about the tg and skoll ? how about fparts?

Edited by emir

Turtle Generals are worth 25~30 Tokens each, Skolls are worth 7 Tokens

F.Helm: 40~50





If the F Parts are +10, then you -10 from the original. I think o.o


Nah, Turtle Generals are around 20 - 25 now. Sometimes if you're lucky you can buy it for 15 lol Like i did before, that person must needed the tokens. Skolls are around 5 - 7 tokens.

+10 Forsaken King Parts are -5 ~ -10 from the +0 prices. With the exceptional of the FHelm? I am not so sure. You can always do a Price Check in game, prolly you might be able to get it for 25 tokens. Who knows.

+0Fhelm are around 35 - 40.


Wow tq guys for the information:P Oh howmuch clown sb lately?> what is the effect now?


But some people said its about 300-450


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