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Annie ♥

Ragnarok Battle Offline

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I see movies of this game alot on youtube and such, but I never really found out what it really was.. It seems like maplestory v.ragnarok. o_o


I've played em liek,, 2~3 year ago, it's not rly that nice.

The pic's 2D, and its about a quest you must done with 1st job, and you'll have to fight some mini-boss & MvP

It move w/ "A","S","D","W",etcetc.

Dis is some pic of it,

Posted Image

Annie dear, try click me for more information! :3

&& Yea, its just like M***le S***y except it in RO version and RBO's lot more simple than M***le S**ry


I love it. Its a nice fun break from RO.

Its especially fun if you played iRO or a low rate server where you are first class for a long time... lots of nostalgia.

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