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[C&c] Gold Valk Recolour

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Please let me know your opinion about this helm, im trying to make it look more gold, and matching with Gold cloth palette

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about the sacreds idc xD ;)



Dani sux :O.

J/k. But I don't like it that much really. The Sgw is a really gold color, why not match the eye drop the gold on the sgw and just move it over to the helm. :O


Dani sux :O.

No galactic mask 4 u b!sh! >:[ jk xD

Well, both are gold, just one is more dark than the other, but the sacred is not my busines for now, just gold valk.

All people said, make the gold valk like a real gold trying to match with the cloth, same as the every single item we have.

but its ok, its your opinion ;)


i think both are MUCH better!! i like them a lot! they go perfectly with the palettes :]


I like both more than what we currently have in-game, +1 from me on your hard work!


I like both more than what we currently have in-game, +1 from me on your hard work!


The gold imp looks really good, pleaseeee implement!! The sacreds are nice too and fit the palettes, but I like the ones we have atm. They have this real angel wing color.


This is what I am talking about. Good job!


You and your magic, Danii. Looks great!


Some kid said Gold Imp lol. I understand it's a castle drop and that's why he said it but it's actually a golden valkyrie helm. It should maybe be called a Gold Imperial Valkyrie Helm too since they give the same stats as Imperials ( Blue, Green, Purple, Orange) the ones that is released in-game at the moment. But I don't know, since it's drop rate is 2%. Released Imperials are 0.50%.

Anyways, +1 for it!

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