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Item Suggestion Thread

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Posted (edited)

Hi ya'll! You can post any items and effects you would like to see in game here! Just be sure to follow this format:

Obtained by: (e.g., vote, event, donation, etc.)

Item Name:


Cost: (cost in tokens, event tokens, etc.)

Equipped in:





Possible Sprite:

(Thanks to [GM]Miku for the idea of this format!).

Note: If the item you are suggesting is for a quest, you may post it in the Quest Suggestion thread along with the quest guidelines and requirements!

Edited by Veracity
Posted (edited)

Hi ya'll! I'm thinking to have more two-handed LK wielders.

Obtained by: Donation

Item Name: Double-Handed Lord Knight Scimitar

Description: A sword wielded two-handedly. Worn only by those knights who are persistent and resilient.

Cost: 15 USD

Equipped in: ---

Defense: ---

Weight: 150

Slots: 4

Stats: Aspd + 30. Str+20, Dex+15, Crit+10, Attack+250 As long as this weapon is equipped, the Parrying Skill is undispellable?

Possible Sprite: ---

Edited by kax
Posted (edited)

Not Sure whether this hat has been implemented yet, but if it hasn't would be nice if it was :3

Obtained by: Voting

Item Name: Wandering Minstrel Hat

Description: A hat worn by the Pied Piper himself! It's rumoured that this stylish hat writes it's own symphonies.

Cost: 40 Vote tokens

Equipped in: Upper Headgear.

Defense: 2

Weight: 30

Slots: 1

Stats: +20% Damage while wielding Musical Instruments.

-10% After-skill delay with Musical Strike.

+10 Dexterity.

+5 Intellect.

Possible Sprite: http://ratemyserver.net/item_sprname_search.php?item_id=5188&small=1

Edited by Baby Bloo
Posted (edited)

Obtained by: Donation.

Item Name: Ninja's Oriental Fuuma Shuriken

Description: An all-mighty Shuriken used by Kratos, the Ninja god.

Cost: 30 USD. ( Ingame Price : Around the 500s )

Equipped in: Right Hand. ( 1 Handed )




Stats: Str+10, Vit+20, Dex+10, 20%Matk, Increase Throwing Skills Dmg 75%. Enable Enlarge Weight Limit Lvl 10.

Possible Sprite:Sprite.

They really need a 1handed Shuriken.

EDIT: Made it Right hand ( Yeah i fail at positions lmfao ) And Changed the Increase Dmg from 100% to 75% Kty.

EDIT # 2 : Changed the Cost.

Edited by Edu.

Left hand is the shield hand edu >>. And the throwing skills should be by 50 to 75% since there is the necromancer hood stacking those two would become major major over powering.

  On 1/13/2011 at 8:35 PM, 'nines said:

Left hand is the shield hand edu >>. And the throwing skills should be by 50 to 75% since there is the necromancer hood stacking those two would become major major over powering.

>__> Fixed Nines. And yeah the Dmg % was a little bit OP :P. But 75 its good tho.



Ninja weapon

Hmm yes i do agree with the hp% increase and matck increase although i think 65% damage increase to throwing skills would be a little better 75% is a litte high at least i think so.

Please post any more ideas you think of.


That's good, but by donation... A bit too much, make it voting or... I don't know... But donation is too much.


Obtained by: Quest

Posted Image

Cost: ---

Equipped in: Right-hand

Defense: 0

Weight: 70

Slots: 4

[Taekwon Classes]

Base HP + 30,000

Reduces damage from Medium-sized monsters by -10%

10% chance to auto-dispell when attacking

Aspd + 45

Dex + 20, Str + 20

Flee + 30

300% more damage from any offensive skills

Enables lv 10 Increase Weight Capacity


Wow now thats a nice weapon for such and underpowered class. I love that TK wep


From what im aware of that item is a headgear not a weapon.

Posted (edited)

Obtained by: Vote

Item Name: Demonic Mechanical Wings

Description: Demonic Mechanical Wings that give the power of reflection.

Cost: 90 Votes.

Equipped in: Bottom.

Defense: 10

Weight: 10

Slots: 0

Stats: 15% Reflection

Possible Sprite: Posted Image ( The sprite looks big but it looks really nice in game. )

Obtained by: Quest

Item Name: Fallen Wings

Description: Wings from a fallen angel.

Cost: Materials x.x Feathers and stuff idk x.x

Equipped in: Bottom

Defense: 10

Weight: 10

Slots: 0

Stats: Walking Speed+10% All stats+3

Possible Sprite: Posted Image

Edited by nines
Posted (edited)

Obtained by: Event

Item Name: Cat Paw Hairpin

Description: An item which once was used by the Cat Goddess, Bast.

Cost: 50 Event.

Equipped in: Upper Headgear

Defense: 3

Weight: 10

Slots: 1

Stats: All stat +15 and 5% Reflect?

Possible Sprite: [x]


Obtained by : Vote

Item Name: Cat Lover Hairpin

Description: An item which was belong to Tefnut, a lion headed goddess

Cost: 65 Vote

Equipped in: Upper Headgear

Defense: 2

Weight: 10

Slots: 1

Stats: All stat+15, Increase damage to all enemies by 15%?

Possible Sprite: [x]


Edit : mistake done.

Edited by Poringly
  On 1/25/2011 at 10:17 AM, 'Poringly said:

Obtained by: Event

Item Name: Cat Paw Hairpin

Description: An item which once was used by the Cat Goddess, Bast.

Cost: 50 Event.

Equipped in: Upper Headgear

Defense: 3

Weight: 10

Slots: 1

Stats: All stat +15 and 5% Reflect?

Possible Sprite: [x]


Obtained by : Vote

Item Name: Cat Paw Hairpin

Description: An item which was belong to Tefnut, a lion headed goddess

Cost: 65 Vote

Equipped in: Upper Headgear

Defense: 2

Weight: 10

Slots: 1

Stats: All stat+15, Increase damage to all enemies by 15%?

Possible Sprite: [x]


omg those are cuteee.


I like that 1hd Fuuma idea! giving a new wep +VIT to increase hp instead of giving ninjas themselves more hp, is a great way to solve the problem of their insanely low hp and incapability to deal with magic attacks. This would in turn make them VERY difficult to kill if they have ways of evading all physical and magical attks. Gimme more feedback on the evasion issue!


Obtained by: Forsaken elite quest (Lord Knight)

Item Name:Forsaken Lord Knight One-Handed Spear

Description:A powerful One-Handed Spear constructed for forsaken elite Lord Knight

Cost: 10 - 20 tokens?

Equipped in:Right hand




Stats:Increase damage done to Demi-human by 10%

Str+7 Dex+10

0.1 chance of casting Coma when attacking

Increase damage of Spiral Pierce by 100%

Possible Sprite:Posted Image


Posted Image

Obtainable via Quest

A specially designed axe for the King Odysseus to keep himself on-guard against the complots against him.

Att+300, Increases Mammonite Damage by 100%, Enables Tomahawk Throw skill, Deals Tomahawk Throw Damage according to the opponent's vit. Reduces cast-delay by 30%. Str+20, Dex+20, Hit+150, MaxSP+200, MaxHp+35%, 0.5% chance to coma.

Can only be wielded by Creator Class.

Equipped in: Right-hand

Defense: 0

Weight: 100


  On 2/23/2011 at 2:18 PM, 'kax said:

Posted Image

Obtainable via Quest

A specially designed axe for the King Odysseus to keep himself on-guard against the complots against him.

Att+300, Increases Mammonite Damage by 100%, Enables Tomahawk Throw skill, Deals Tomahawk Throw Damage according to the opponent's vit. Reduces cast-delay by 30%. Str+20, Dex+20, Hit+150, MaxSP+200, MaxHp+35%, 0.5% chance to coma.

Can only be wielded by Creator Class.

Equipped in: Right-hand

Defense: 0

Weight: 100


:O! Wow. That's a really cool idea. Could be another valkyrie weapon!

Posted (edited)

Axe of odysessus is Op with these stats lower them and will be cool!

Drunk Madox Hat

Obtained by: 100 tokens in F ROOM.

Item Name: Drunk Madox Hat

Description: Special hat which makes you feeling godlike, unstoppable

Cost: (cost in tokens, event tokens, etc.)

Equipped in: upper headgear

Defense: 5

Weight: 60

Slots: 0

Stats: all +30, immunity to stone curse.

Possible Sprite: Posted Image

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Edited by Adamxd

I agree with Adam, the Stats of the Axe should be lowered its kinda OP :o


LOL :D Nice Idea :P


So that tomahawk is 3 atroces, a thana, a valk weapon, a kiel, another valk weapon, coma, and a god item.....Yah nice suggestion there maybe if Thor was on this server he would wield it.

You've been playing the server for a while now Kax you should know what beyond over powered is. =.=


;P wait i got a justification

it's neutral,ranged,1 shot only(not 6 like AV/Shield Chain or 8 like SB), and my suggested stats depends on vit, not defense, so it's a copy of AD skill instead of thana effect

but i am completely aware it's too much stats, however, i think for creator class to wield it, it wont be op..just my opinion..pls suggest a different stats for it as an alternative if u like


Can we please have Teal beanies? and Teal sunglasses plox! <3 id reli reli reli love them! pllllsss?? pretty please with a cherry on top, sprinkled with coco powerd and fairy dust, decorated with smarties+marshmellows+choc-coated-strawberries + lots of love!!! omgah!

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