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Sephiroth Here

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Hello, Welcome to the server! :)

Hope you enjoy your stay here and Thanks for giving fRO a try.

Try get a lot of new item by voting in : forsaken-ro.net/voting, and you can also check the 'Guide' Section for more information and good luck for the quest ur going to do. xD;

& I hope you'll have a great time here. :3


Hello, welcome to ForsakenRO (:

If you have any questions about the server itself or any kind of problems you can use Support Section and ask your co-players.

There's a Ticket System if you want to talk over your issues with Game Masters only, also (:

If you have any problems/questions ingame itself, feel free to @request for a GM or just ask around fcity (@go 25), there're many players which are willing to help you.

I hope you're going to have a great time here!

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