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What Happened To Quest

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There hasn't been any new quest in so long ....

Remember when the non donation belts come out everyone was having fun questing and selling them lets bring back that part of Fro it'll help the new players out tremendously. I mean a nice chain quest would make a huge difference.You can do like a firering hat that reduces fire damage just something x-x it would be a fresh change from the monotony of the same thing everyday.


New quest coming out next update idiot ramen :O


its a rant man and how am i supposed to know i just came back no one tells me anything gosh


No u fail gtfo y u suck get on mw2 noob :O


Be nice. :( But yea, we are working on some new quests... so look forward to it! (:



when's the next update nines ;O


The next update is being worked on still. It's a lot of stuff and it's very time consuming, so just try to be patient. (;

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