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n i k k o

Emperium Breaker

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Posted (edited)

So many post on the same topic so imma try to redo it and mix what everyone is saying into 1 Main Build.

Head Gear

There are all kinds of Headgears that can be used.


Forsaken Valk Helm ( Fhelm ) +10 Stats

Golden Valk Helm ( Gvh ) + 10 Stats + 3Extra ( castle drop )

Imperial Helm ( Imp ) + 10 Stats + 3Extra ( castle drop )

Middle - Colored Emperium Aura ( Color Doesn't Matter ) +25 stats

Fallen Bishop Aura +20 stats

Moon & Sun +15 stats

Rune Of Power +20 stats

LHZ Aura +15 stats

Mythical Flame Aura +15 stats

Lower - Mouthpiece | Ruck Sack | Wings ( Sgw , Butterfly , Fuffies , Avians ) | Empty?


Cards On Headgears can be different depending on what you prefer.

F Soilder , Kiels , Vanberk , Orc Hero , Gemini , Lord Knight ( If Frenzy )

As Mentioned Critical ( Vanberk ) doesnt work with Ip or Thana



Armors- Elite Armor , Forsaken King Armor

Cards- Gr + Tao

Gloom + Gr

Gloom + Gloom



Boots - Elite Boots | Forsaken King Boots


Fbh + Fbh

Dragon Wizard + Moonlight ( For Running to Emp ) |



Cloaks - Elite Cloak | Forsaken Boots


Skoll + Skoll

Raydric + Raydric

Skoll + Raydric

Dev + Dev |



Shield - Elite Shield | Forsaken King Shield

Cards - Usakoring

Golden Thief Bug



Accessary - 2x Nd Str Belts

2x Nd Mix A

2x Forsaken Str

2x Forsaken Mix A

Or Any Combo If you can afford 2 of each



This all depends on your belief , Some say Abyssmal Knight some say Turtle Genral

Ill just say what i use and if people comment ill Update with what they use also.

Right Hand -

Ice Pick

Slotted Ice Pick

Fdagger ( Thana + Orc Skell + Orc Skell + Desert Wolf )

Suggested by Nines

Fdagger ( 2 Orc Skel + 2 Desert Wolf )

Fdagger ( Incan + Orc Skel + Orc Skel + Desert Wolf )

New Dagger Same Combo

Left Hand - Fdagger ( Orc skell + Orc skell + Desert wolf + Desert Wolf ) |

Fdagger [50]

Thanatos [about 10k]

Ip [100- 170 ]

Slotted Ip[1k- 2.?k ]



Str - I use 27* - 28* + ? ( I try to Make it a x10 or x5 )

Agi - Enough for 195 Apsd with 2 daggers

Vit - Enough to Survive Asura ( Left overs )

Int - 1

Dex - Instant Cast (150) <-- Keep in mind i only because i defend if you dont you could go 0dex and 195 apd

Luk - 1

And that concludes this Guide thing.

Im open for suggestions just depends on what people think are important

Im no pro breaker maybe 3-4 breaks a woe nothing big

Hope This Helped.

Ill update if anyone brings up suggestions

( Ignore my old guide it was trash :3 )

Thanks to




Edited by n i k k o
  Barbie said:
Nice work. :]

Thanks I hope people will like and understand it.

I should of put different class besides sinx but i think it would be over kill unless people asked


Vanberk isn't good with Ice Pick and Thanatos. Critical of Ice Pick or Thanatos damage doesn't work. The rest is fine. Good job!


Edit your weapon section. Since you seem to have it to all the crappy to little to none gear you got, You don't need an ice pick for breaking!.

It helps yes but you can use 4x orc skel 4x desert wolf or use incan 3x 4x incan works pretty damn good on emp actually. Plus keeps in price range of not having an ice pick or thana.

  nines said:
Edit your weapon section. Since you seem to have it to all the crappy to little to none gear you got, You don't need an ice pick for breaking!.

It helps yes but you can use 4x orc skel 4x desert wolf or use incan 3x 4x incan works pretty damn good on emp actually. Plus keeps in price range of not having an ice pick or thana.

Thanks Ill Keep the Ice pick but ill add your suggestion and ill Add you to People i thank.

  Perishable said:
Vanberk isn't good with Ice Pick and Thanatos. Critical of Ice Pick or Thanatos damage doesn't work. The rest is fine. Good job!

Ohh thanks ill edit it out

Adding you to Thanks

  Angels&Demons said:
No one uses turtle general for breaking?

no more than 2 if you want!

diff daggers


id guess tg is for defending

but pure damage on emp i dont think tg would work


Turtle General

Description Increases damage inflicted on all enemies by 20%.

Item Script { bonus2 bAddRace,RC_NonBoss,20; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Boss,20; bonus2 bAddRace2,5,20 }

i think it help


this is N i k k o

i tested Tg's during todays woe and i think they do damage about the same.

but when i took off the tgs i seemed to break more.

but overall i think tg's might work.


its kinda hard to say which cards exactly do better but

i get lucky with 4-7 breakers a woe and this is what i use.

Fdagger ( Thana + Orc Skell + Orc Skell + Desert Wolf ) ( or a slotted ip or ip will work )

then on left hand

orc skell + orc skell + desert wolf + desert wolf


Uhh i heard Abysmal Works since emp is " Boss Like "

and i hear a few breakers have abysmal on so i say you could use that card.

Posted (edited)

i think you have a typo in this guide , the Cloak section o.o

Edited by Timmeh!

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