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Box Of Sunlight Makeover!

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So I have a few suggestions all based on Box Of Sunlight!

1. Make it last longer like 60 or 90 seconds.

2. Make it weigh less please 15 or 10 weight.

3. Give it a picture you can see when you use it.


1. I believe that 30 seconds is just too short. I dont really see the harm in increasing it to 60 or 90 seconds. It would be more easier for ppl.

2. I think that we should lower the weight on bos because its hard to hold ur yggs and seeds while also needing to carry bos. But if suggestion 1 gets accepted I would really mind if the weight limit goes down or not but see how it goes :D

3. Pretty straight foward. I say we need a picture to see if it wore off because you cant tell if theres no cloaked ppl around you.

Well thats it. I guess this would also go for the other boxes aswell maybe but yeah comment and tell me what you think. :D


Or or, try and roll with me on this use a maya p card O.o. or switch from a kiel aura to maya p aura back and forth.

but yah I agree on this lol :P


you dont need a icon for box of sunlight. you can tell when it wears off when u cant see anyone anymore. i can agree with less weight and longer lasting time.


I'd agree with them. It'd make Box of Sunlight more useful. As for the picture- it's not really necessary. If someone's willing to make an image for it, there's a possibility the staff might add that as well.

Posted (edited)
you dont need a icon for box of sunlight. you can tell when it wears off when u cant see anyone anymore. i can agree with less weight and longer lasting time.

Oh nice to know everyone in this server is going to have a freaking sinx card and every possible MVP card in the book.. Well I won't be pvping for about 3 more years. :weird:

+1 to suggestion.

Edited by Kendrid

I agree, it might help Gunslingers who use Desperado and SinX who use Sonic Blow. It's definitely tough to switch from 4 to 3 Kiels while dueling other SinX xD.

+1 to suggestion.


Sure why not.

The boxes weight quite a bit. Each 3 you have and it's 2 yggs less.

i say it'd be cool having an alternative to maya purple, some classes have lack on head gear slots thanks to the over reliance on kiels.


Although this will be low priority, I don't see the harm in this and think it may be helpful.

- Accepted -

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