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[ Sotw #26 ] Voting Thread

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Posted (edited)
[ SOTW #26 Voting ]

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Theme : Childhood Memories
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Details : This is the voting thread for SOTW #26, Childhood Memories. Vote for your favorite signature and hope they'll win!

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Welcome to the voting thread of the twenty-sixth SOTW of the year! When voting in the SOTW, we will be expecting you to fully understand the rules. Don't know the rules? Click Here.

Rules that the voter must understand:

  • Voters must have at least a post count of 10 in order to vote.
  • Voters must give at least 2 or more valid sentences to vote.
  • Contestants may not vote for themselves in any way, shape or form.
  • A judge's vote will count as 1 point.
  • 2 non-judges' votes for a specific entry will be considered 1 point.
  • Votes will be counted at the end of Sunday.

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1st Place: 100 Event Coupons2nd Place: 50 Event Coupons3rd Place: 25 Event Coupons

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[ 1 ] Haruka
IGN : Haruka.

[ 2 ] Kittie
IGN : Tranny Mess

[ 3 ] Lenneth Celie
IGN : Lenneth Celie

[ 4 ] nines
IGN : Thesik Bellamorte

[ 5 ] Voku
IGN: Tranny Mess (Not his actual IGN, but gifting to Kittie if he wins).

Good luck to everyone, and please vote fairly.
Edited by Ethereal
Posted (edited)

I vote for [ 2 ] Kittie. I love the color scheme used for the signature and the image itself depicts the childhood memory well. I just love it's overall presentation and style.

Edited by Phenomenon

I vote for [ 3 ] Lenneth Celie. This is because her siggy she used in this week's Sotw is different from others. Not much of colorful abstract and and outline. I like how the girl in the sig. is hugging a stuffed animals. Reminds me when I was around 5 or 6 playing with a teddy-bear. Contestant # 3 gets my vote.


I think you couldn't see Voku's entry, but you missed it. I'll add it into your post.

EDIT : Nvm, an IGN wasn't included so entry is void.


I vote for Kittie[2]

Because her entry relates my life most, I had a friend once when I was a kid but years later, I forgot her and now I didn't know that she's just beside me in my classroom, and we became friends again. :)


Hey Voku, can I have your entry? LOLOLOLOL :D


Voku has been added. I looked at Voku's post in the original topic and I could not see his entry at all, I refreshed the page and the image wouldn't appear. And I looked at the "last edited" part of his post and it seems like he recently edited it, so I had assumed he removed his entry.


I vote for [1] Haruka, since I can relate to it the most since I also have a friend I could also count on always. The signature is simple, yet the simplicity of it paints the meaning all too well.


I vote for [1] Haruka

I love the color scheme used , the way she made the hands gray and gave an illumination around it.

Also I relate to it the most , which is quite obvious :)

Thanks Haru <3


I vote for [1] Haruka

Her entry is really heart warming, it displays her feelings for her best friend in a simple sentence

Also the background has a warm glow to it , making it very attractive and eye catching.


My vote goes to [ 3 ] Lenneth Celie

IGN : Lenneth Celie.

I like her sig the most because it's calm , not too many bright colors , Yet it's very clear and cute. Personally I can also relate the best to this entry (Yush I used to have quite some stuffed animals x.x;;; ) , I also remember the days at primary school when everyone brought their stuffed animals along. Sweet ol' days. Thanks for bringing them back a little.


I vote for Kittie[2]

I love how she used a lot of white, intimating a memory. I also like how the background looks water colored and the font fits the signature. :]

Posted (edited)

Closed. New topics will be up shortly.

Edit: (for some reason, this part of my post didn't appear.)

My vote goes towards Kittie. The colours are so surreal- it heightens the emotion that was already there in the original stock. It definitely embraces the theme very well, and I just simply adore it. The text does not overpower the entry and the entry overall flows very well.

Edited by Ethereal
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