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@$#% In Ur Face Ftw

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Posted (edited)

Inappropriate. Picture removed.

got u dude....

Edited by Manifest

Ken, I saw you man during WoE. Nasty as ever I might say but still, Good job man LOLOLOL


lol dont feel bad im have like 10 other screens like this with other people but i dont wanna post em xD yet...

Ken, I saw you man during WoE. Nasty as ever I might say but still, Good job man LOLOLOL

am i a beast or what! FML


dude omfg this emblem man.... everyone keeps buggin me about it and some people even kos'ed me cause of it. Dude this is AWESOME. ima put meh %$# in all ur faces now

Posted (edited)

This guild's emblem, possibly the context of the guild name, and the character name of its guild master is in direct violation of this rule:

Inappropriate/Offensive Character/Party/Guild Names

Considered as community harassment and punished as so.

First Offense:

- If party name : Warn and leave party.

- If guild name : Warn and break guild.

- If character name : Warn and character deletion. (As it is against the rules, we will not compensate for the "lost" leveling time.)

Second Offense:

- If party name : Leave party and 5 hour jail time.

- If guild name : Break guild and 5 hour jail time.

- If Character name : Character deletion and 5 hour jail time.

Third Offense:

- If party name : Leave party and 10 hour jail time.

- If guild name : Break guild and 10 hour jail time.

- If Character name : Character deletion and 10 hour jail time.

I will give this thread 24 hours for the concerned parties to remove the emblem and delete the character. Consider this a warning.


Edited by Manifest
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