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haha yea i have been voting :) and i kinda noticed its goin be awhile before im fully geared >< good thing this server is very... interesting... ^^

Yea welcome to this server and it taken me bought 2weeks to get decent geared /gg I was lucky

Yea welcome to this server and it taken me bought 2weeks to get decent geared /gg I was lucky

sighh lucky you!! ;( i only met a few nice ppl.. everyone i meet at dungeons or fields kills mee :(

so far everyone intimidates me :P all those pretty nice items T_T

^Thanks :)


Hey , Welcome to fRO :)

Hope you have a nice time here :D

P.S I think I killed you a few times , sorry >.<


LOL haha uhh gee thanks for telling me that you killed me a few times! its okay i'm sure no ones proud of killing a gearless newb :) haha I'm an easy target since I'm still not used to ygging when I'm getting hit :\

but WOE and being in a guild has helped me alot :)

Poringly: haha yea I still don't know whats the point... of killing someone when they're lvling or help leeching :o

LOL haha uhh gee thanks for telling me that you killed me a few times!

Who's that? >:o

Poringly: haha yea I still don't know whats the point... of killing someone when they're lvling or help leeching :o

Uhh, i think their point of killin is :

1.Too annoy ppl.

2.To show how great they're.

3.They got bored so they do random killin,etc.( I think this is the most thing happen to em. )

*And yeah, its not nice o-o*


yeaaa today while i was farming for hydras this prof double cast and bolted me i SG her and she frozed but i dint kill her i went for the hydras :D



If you need any help , feel free to pm me :D

I protect chuu ~

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