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What Files I Need To Copy To Play Other Ro Private Server, Too?

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K, I know I have to make a new folder so that the new server won't intertwine with current server. But that's all I know. I do not know which files I need to copy to add to the new downloaded server's client patch. Help, please.

How about just following that other server's instructions, and not copy anything from the fRO folder?


How about you copy paste ur whole folder and simply put the other server's crap in it?

As long as the other server doesn't use data folder as their main source of info, just switch between those 2

in your DATA.INI you get to see


0= servergrf.grf

1= sdata.grf

2= data.grf

the servergrfw/ething is the server's grf, fro for exemple is frodata.grf, just switch it to the other server's grf and it should be more than enough, unless they use data folder.

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