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I was just thinking of how I get weird dreams every night now and I thought of posting this topic. Post really random, off-topic dreams you've had in here, it'll get interesting and funny maybe. :3

I'll start with this dream that freaked me out.

I was sleeping in my dream but I knew I was dreaming so I told myself to wake up and so I did and I saw a face right in front of me once I opened my eyes so I closed it and I slept again. I woke up after some time and the face was there again so I ran out of my room and into my parents' room then ran back into my room and went back to sleep. I woke up once again and this time the face was gone but when I turned to my right, there was a woman staring at me and it really scared me, then I slept again. All that happened in the dream, I didn't wake up irl. There were more things but I forgot now. lol.

Now, your turn to post your dream. >.<

Edited by Hannah

Feeding my best friend with fish while she's running in circles clapping her hands. That was pretty weird.


Weirdest dream I've had was... weird. (No shit.)

In my dream I went to hospital because of whatever, after a few days later one of the nurses kidnapped me.

After my sleep I woke up and went to have breakfast with my brother, I was telling him about my dream and he told me "I had a dream you had to go to hospital, but you went missing and we never found you."

Weird, no?


Weirdest would beeee...

One day in my dream I jump out a plane and I was having so much fun, when this guy comes out of no where and throws raw meat at me!!! I got scared and ran into the washroom.


One day in my dream i was in on a airplane and some kids called me a dirty stinky liar i got careless and there was a chiniese man beside me he had fried fish i took it and threw it at them and laughed and just jumped out the window.

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