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I really hate laddering now because of a group of people consisting to to infinity versus one. Ganging really sucks. PVP should be free for all. Kill anyone you see . No friends and the like. There should be some rule about this like ganging should be punishable or something. Thats why people prefer doing ladder now at woe because of this. Even now at woe a whole guild will be ganging on you when you try to ladder. What do you guys think?


No matter what you do; even if it becomes a free for all, that isn't going to help the fact that they won't attack each other. They'll gang you; and then fight each other in the end. Simply as that. That's how PvP works. No one likes it; so put up with it. Nothing you can do about it.


Theoretically, pvp is "free for all." People just choose to work together in groups because it's more effective. Yea, it's annoying but... there isn't much you can do about it. Even in events where we don't allow parties, people still work together. Honestly, there is really nothing that can be done to avoid this.

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