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-R e i


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This is my first time making a site like this!
It's actually a site just like the one in Durarara!! but unfortunately the chat room doesn't look like one in Durarara!!!
My plan is to gather(farm xD) people so that the chat room would be alive.
The site has a password, well I could make you a password of your choice.
Please join me(us) if you're interested!
The link is : http://trnsprnt.co.cc :)

If you don't want to join then don't click the link.
PM me for the password of your choice.
I hope this is okay? :O

Want to join?

Posted (edited)

I thought I deleted it already? o.o

EDIT: Oh.. yeah it's deleted.... :D I'm going to move the site that's why it's gone :)

Edited by -R e i

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