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[ Sotw #14 ] Voting Thread

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[ SOTW #14 Voting ]

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Theme : The Age of Mecha
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Details : This is the voting thread for SOTW #14, The Age of Mecha. Vote for your favorite signature and hope they'll win!

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Welcome to the voting thread of the fourteenth SOTW of the year! When voting in the SOTW, we will be expecting you to fully understand the rules. Don't know the rules? Click Here.

Rules that the voter must understand:

  • Voters must have at least a post count of 10 in order to vote.
  • Voters must give at least 2 or more valid sentences to vote.
  • Contestants may not vote for themselves in any way, shape or form.
  • A judge's vote will count as 1 point.
  • 2 non-judges' votes for a specific entry will be considered 1 point.
  • Votes will be counted at the end of Sunday.

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1st Place: 100 Event Coupons2nd Place: 50 Event Coupons3rd Place: 25 Event Coupons

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[ 1 ] Terroryst
IGN : Blackbeard

[ 2 ] Bou
IGN : Roosevelt

[ 3 ] Dr Tran
IGN : A Noob

[ 4 ] -R e i
IGN : Myou Enzeru

Good luck to everyone, and please vote fairly.

I wonder why no one is voting. o.o



I vote for entry 4, Rei's. The giant robot in the background looks pretty freakin' sweet, and the colors are subtle but enough to make it look nice. The swish of the brush adds a nice touch, and the font goes really well with the sig.


I am also voting for number 4. The soft colors used in the background and on the robot bring out a nice feeling of simplicity. The font used for this signature also embodies the theme of mecha quite well, as well as looking good with the overall signature.


I'd like to vote for #2, Bou's entry. The scene looks like a battle is about to begin, and the backround is pretty hot . The mech and the person also have a lot of detail put into it .


I'd like to vote for Entry #3. The signature was well done for a paint signature. It really amazes me how it was made all on paint. Not to be biased against hand draw signatures but this definitely impressed me. It also displays a really typical setting in a mecha environment.

Entry #4 was well done as well! It was hard to decide who to vote for ><


I'd like to vote for #3 as well. Although the entry is simplistic, I think it's the entry that captures the essence of mecha the best. The detail on the entry is well executed, and the emblem does add a really unique touch to it. It brings the entry more to life a little bit- but the overall presentation is well done.

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