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Question #2

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so where do i go to fight monster that drop items that i can fight in order to sell to earn more zeny?


If you are properly geared in somewhat, you can either farm Lucien's Armor of Flame or something ( or just type @ali 2344 ) and then you can sell those to the Npc using your Stalker or Merchants. Another option is to farm Gold Bars from Am Mut. That is what I heard from my friends though. But if you want to earn something more, like for example, Donation Coupons. You should make a Baby Wizard and farm essentials items like Yggdrasil berries ( @warp for_fild02 or if you have a Forsaken Dungeon Pass ), Speed Potions ( Turbon Room ), Converters ( Using professors/Scholar ), or even Full Chemical Protection( very hard ) It will take time, but it is worth it. You should make a lot of good friends (Preferably new players also, it is good to learn this things together ) , and you can do group farming.


Or loot everything in tha_t08 & tha_t07. Stones of Sages are pretty good monies.


But azn farm good mengz, rice/wow gold/zeny

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