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The world's not going to end, so why bother wondering about it?


Eat, Drink and be merry for tomorrow.Personally people do not use that quote as much as they should or the right way. Don't take your loved ones for Granite and always be happy for the friends you have cause losing them will be a hurt on yout heart.

Don't worry about news, let that stuff drop like shackles coming off and live life without fear. In fact sites I read, say it is 2011 not 2012. Meaning these things are nothing more than Tall Tales to get your goat. Let it go already, cause Your Loved ones matter more than a rumour on the news.

If Earthquakes and floods shake you then wait till it happens then deal it.


Pat, I thinkin' he talking about 'Pole Reversal' which means: Magnetic field switches, ect. That would be bad but it's not going to happen in 2012.

Earthquakes? Yeah, they happen all the time. It's just with all this '2012' hype going on, the media is trying to get the public in a frenzy.


i been researching on da internet u no? dere a way to prevent 2012!! it say 1956 was da end of da world but there was some1 who prevent it he was called ss smoker he gone now but today i da ss smoker!! ill prevent dis no worri men! :3


Why would God tell us when the earth is going to be down? I think it will happen from one day to the other day. Nothing evolving, just appears and we wouldn't thought of it.

We gonna end up liek dyn0z4urz

gud. I gonna be da rokcs dat falls on all you people




see where the earth should be on 21/12 :P


I don't believe in this shit anymore. I got scared when I first head of 2012 and shit, can't sleep, can't eat, can't study!

But who cares? when the world ends, we all die anyway.

But nah, this shit ain't happening.


I think Julio its getting worse. and I think NeXT earthquAke will destroy Stamford Bridge, and then NeXT Camp Nou.

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