Superman^* Posted January 7, 2008 Report Posted January 7, 2008 Come on Guyz Put 5 Strong Ppl in fRO. Again....This goes really. 1. Patchworks (Untouchable) 2.Terminus (He has many strategies) PD: Your AGI Build SUX. 3.Blade(InfamousNugzz or Whatever) 4.Epic(Good Player) 5.Eraiser(I like his autoesteem, Like Pwn Strong ppl)
Amitsu Posted January 7, 2008 Report Posted January 7, 2008 Oh got not another one. Heres mien God Satan Jesus Lucifer Virgin Mary
Damascus Posted January 7, 2008 Report Posted January 7, 2008 Thanatos Bathory Incantation Samurai Garm Skoll
Denzel Crocker Posted January 7, 2008 Report Posted January 7, 2008 1. Patchworks 2. Terminus 3. InfamousNugzz 4. Epic 5. thi@go
Terminus Posted January 7, 2008 Report Posted January 7, 2008 Wow. I just popped up on forums to check what everyone is doing and first thing I see is a shit load of topics saying stuff like top 5, top 10, top 1283012938920131. Fuck dat shit. Dude, I'm not using a "Your AGI Build SUX", its my normal build. Take it or leave it, if you want to see my flee build it has almost 700 flee with WAY less hp. Trust me dude, this isn't a flee build. Also, I don't really use strategies (I've tried it once but it sucks). I just use whatever I can when I see an opening. I use what I have at my disposal. Also, back on topic. 1. No one. 2. No one. 3. No one. 4. No one. 5. No one. I haven't seen a good assassin yet (yes that includes myself). A good assassin, if I could name on the top of my head would be "Assasin XXX" and Dragon from nlRO. Those two people can kick ass in a serious manner. I was top 3 back then and couldn't beat Dragon. My proof? No screenshots or anything. But, from my duels with him, he dueled someone good first, and then dueled me without restocking yet. First, he had under 150 berries left. Second, I was fully stocked at the time (which was 300 berries). I finished the duel and suprisingly, he had 98 berries left. How did I know that? He dropped his berries to prove it to me. What happend next? Some random BR warped close to me and ran and picked it up. Then Stormy Gusted and died.
Denzel Crocker Posted January 7, 2008 Report Posted January 7, 2008 term quit freaking out. this is "TOP 5" in this server, i care not for any other server or RO in general. because if it was any sinx or any LK, i could also name a few names..
Enzo Posted January 7, 2008 Report Posted January 7, 2008 Tbh I agree with Terminus I have not seen a great assassin yet on this server, most gang, use sb builds or wait for a defenseless person and attack. I have seen a few great assassins on CeresRO or PerfectRO (they changed name then died) There was: Kennxk (Takes advantage of your armors,weapons anything he can find.) Omg Onoes (Insane Speed) Quiet Micro Katana (Sleipnirs lucky enough to get them) Sky Sinister (Grand daddy of them all) those were that great assassins that I knew and fought with in Ceres keep in mind there was about 900-1200 Active players there and thats all I saw over about a 1.5Year per. Anyone who played there would know them. As for this server the best duel i had ever was a few days ago with Shire. We fought for a very long time using converters,resistors,icepicks,thanas,shields anything we had untill one dropped. LOL so there no more bullshit topics please.
Terroryst Posted January 7, 2008 Report Posted January 7, 2008 Why don't we just stop the "Top (Enter number)" topics. They always cause riots,and if you want to see tops,look at the fRO control panel. Lawl.
Superman^* Posted January 7, 2008 Author Report Posted January 7, 2008 Since They Offend me.... Closed.
~Ethernal Posted January 8, 2008 Report Posted January 8, 2008 Wow. I just popped up on forums to check what everyone is doing and first thing I see is a shit load of topics saying stuff like top 5, top 10, top 1283012938920131. Fuck dat shit. Dude, I'm not using a "Your AGI Build SUX", its my normal build. Take it or leave it, if you want to see my flee build it has almost 700 flee with WAY less hp. Trust me dude, this isn't a flee build. Also, I don't really use strategies (I've tried it once but it sucks). I just use whatever I can when I see an opening. I use what I have at my disposal. Also, back on topic. 1. No one. 2. No one. 3. No one. 4. No one. 5. No one. I haven't seen a good assassin yet (yes that includes myself). A good assassin, if I could name on the top of my head would be "Assasin XXX" and Dragon from nlRO. Those two people can kick ass in a serious manner. I was top 3 back then and couldn't beat Dragon. My proof? No screenshots or anything. But, from my duels with him, he dueled someone good first, and then dueled me without restocking yet. First, he had under 150 berries left. Second, I was fully stocked at the time (which was 300 berries). I finished the duel and suprisingly, he had 98 berries left. How did I know that? He dropped his berries to prove it to me. What happend next? Some random BR warped close to me and ran and picked it up. Then Stormy Gusted and died. Tbh I agree with Terminus I have not seen a great assassin yet on this server, most gang, use sb builds or wait for a defenseless person and attack. I have seen a few great assassins on CeresRO or PerfectRO (they changed name then died) There was: Kennxk (Takes advantage of your armors,weapons anything he can find.) Omg Onoes (Insane Speed) Quiet Micro Katana (Sleipnirs lucky enough to get them) Sky Sinister (Grand daddy of them all) those were that great assassins that I knew and fought with in Ceres keep in mind there was about 900-1200 Active players there and thats all I saw over about a 1.5Year per. Anyone who played there would know them. As for this server the best duel i had ever was a few days ago with Shire. We fought for a very long time using converters,resistors,icepicks,thanas,shields anything we had untill one dropped. LOL so there no more bullshit topics please. On Topic: I wanna meet Dragon and Assassin XXX Off Topic: Best sinX ever is on euRO, which is 1x/1x/1x And he haves a SinX 99 / 70 Wow thats God, Actually People says that if you show him your Status bar with bonus like Attack, MATK, Def, Mdef Without STR, AGI,DEX, Ect. He can tell you your 6 Status exactly with numbers + Bonus... He's an Onvi.
Terminus Posted January 8, 2008 Report Posted January 8, 2008 On Topic: I wanna meet Dragon and Assassin XXX Off Topic: Best sinX ever is on euRO, which is 1x/1x/1x And he haves a SinX 99 / 70 Wow thats God, Actually People says that if you show him your Status bar with bonus like Attack, MATK, Def, Mdef Without STR, AGI,DEX, Ect. He can tell you your 6 Status exactly with numbers + Bonus... He's an Onvi. I seriously don't see how knowing your stats by telling your bonus' can show you're a god. I know a few people that can do that, it just helps them steal builds from other people. It doesn't exactly help much unless you are trying to counter their build. Plus, thats a Low Rate. He could have more MvP cards, better equips, beter cards, he is of course an assassin cross, and not to mention "people say". Doesn't exactly mean anything. I could say "People say Terminus has a huge penis". This could be true or false. Doesn't matter, for now, he might be the best at a Low Rate, but you should see Dragon. He can play Low Rate quite nicely too. He's got quite a nice posse with him. Still, he is amazing in PvP. Too bad he made his own server and heavily abused it D;. He's really mean too. If I told him to meet you. He'd tell you in his own way "Go suck a dick bitch" with a more mature language and better style. Then he'd go ranting about his guild owns everyone and how ghey this server is. I can already imagine it.
~Ethernal Posted January 8, 2008 Report Posted January 8, 2008 Oh Nice.. Like nerds and emos who hates everyone...
Terroryst Posted January 8, 2008 Report Posted January 8, 2008 Somebody close this before it gets outta hand even more.
Tick Posted January 8, 2008 Report Posted January 8, 2008 Man, I suck now, Not even in TOp of anything :(
Damascus Posted January 8, 2008 Report Posted January 8, 2008 Man, I suck now, Not even in TOp of anything :( Nah, you're just poor like me ;_;
nao-chann Posted January 8, 2008 Report Posted January 8, 2008 terminus patch tick damaskus infamouse NO U NOT XD..... no offence again ^^
Lone Posted January 8, 2008 Report Posted January 8, 2008 I was once cool with him..Then I was gone for 2 weeks, and he got pissed.. And I couldn't deal with him talking shit to me. But I haveto admit, He is very good..And even Terminus thought he hacked..Hes incredible..