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"What would you do if..." Game

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I'd possibly disobey him since I don't know who he is.

What would you do if your phone died out in a very important call that could save you 5m Dollars in the near future?


I will not talk by phone for saving 5m i will go to his home or even via msn so he can send me the money trough paypal.

What would you do if fRO is closing forever in 2 Minutes?


I would start KoSing everybody in real life... since i will not KoS in-game because the downtime forever...

What would you do if somebody was gonna do an asura on you and accidently hitted your nuts/bulbs...?


^ I would join his army.(JOKE)

What would you do if a chicken entered your house with a computer stuck on it's back?


Play WOE with him and then eat him :].

What would you do if W. Bush ask you to give him your ForsakenRO Char or He'll bring his troops to attack you?


i wouldn't cause idk who is him...

What would you do if a poring wanted sex?


Id do it with an alice instead.

What would you do if you were stuck in a elevator with a big fat mamma?

wow ur retarted you dont know who he is

do you even care about it?? if you don't give a shit to it so don't complain about it :P

what would you do if you were near the black hole


I'd use my s0p4l33th4x made by me. <3

What would you do If I came to your house. D:


I would get it and shoot you.

what would you do If I ran away and seeked your house for shelter


i would put a post that you're on the wrong house and saying that was michael jackson house just to scare you... xD

what would you do if you had to have sex with a fat girl in order to keep your reputation up?


Well if you can pass by my dog ;P good luck with that!

"Do i know you? " O_O


What would you do if black cat crosses your path?


I would kick his body like on this video>>

and than i would laugh a lot

what would you do if you had the chance of creating your own server for fun only?


I'd make it supar leet with my GFX skillz and then hire some hoez. ]:

What would you do if you saw me naked!? LOL.


Nothing. As if the dead can do anything aside from lie there and rot.

What would you do if you had the power to use Asura Strike in real life?


I would probably run away and call michael jackson for you instead of continuing being there o.o

what would you do if you created a potion that allowed you to have all ragnarok skills in the real life?

i would poison my teachers , heal me and family when we need to and maybe more

where is the freaking what would you do if??


What would you do if you had the chance to kill Wizardry in real life?


Revival plz.

Kill him.

WWUD (what would you do) if I threw cat poo at you and you couldn't dodge it?

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