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Dear Diary.

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dear diary

im gonna be like drunk tonight and fucked tonight. not literally...>.>



dear diary,

keeeeeeeeep going!!!!1 yaaaaaaa!!


Dear Diary,

Feeling a little fruity today n___n so I ate a lot of fruits today, Mango, Banana, Oranges, Apples, Watermelon..... what else? LOL

The End.


i waaant mangoooooo


Dear Diary,

I was really down yesterday, so I went and bought a new watch for myself since I haven't had one in so many years! o___o;;; ( I am thinking of posting pictures of my new watch ) and today, I was really down again on what had happened earlier today SIGH!!!.... so I went and bought another a new watch .____.;;; FML

The End.


Dear Diary...

People say alot can be said without the use of words;




Dear Diary;

I recently got my internet bill payment done today. I'm going to have internet again soon! Thank god! I couldn't go another day not seeing my beautiful girl friend "Hayley Williams". Oh god I miss her. );. She was in my area last weekend and I didn't get to see her, oh how depressing it was for me. ):.

Love Kuoch. xoxoxo


dear diary,

wakekekek, i finish exam and i r feeling good about it... dis suck. when i feel good about an exam the result is usually da opposite! dis not good


dear diary,

i tbeen long tim!! me back was veri sore u no? i went to da reHab centr!! i tot it was a women masssasin but wen i cam in it was a men, men! but me bak!! it hurt!! so i no care he tol me to take me shirt off so i did wat he say i lie down on da chair and he tol me to relax it put me hand on me bk and start masasgin it feel gud his hand slowly reach down between me butt and his oil hand pt it inside me butt hole i scream wen i look up it was not his hand it was his dik!! AAA

the end


dear diary,


x o x o ,

gossip girl


Dear Diary,

I missed me t0nt0n but now he back!

Today was a normal day but there were highlights. Sef and Jian know what I'm talking about lol!



LOL t0nt0n. Welcome back Dude.

Dear Diary,

I am thinking of having some Sweet Mangoes later when I get back home n___n

The End.


hi dan, send me some mangoes :3 ty i'll be waiting

dear diary,


LOL you're so funny. Just smack the guy in the face n__n Ahuehuehue and I said I am NOT a Masochist or an Emo LMAO

@- Edelweiss -: I wish I could, smack the guy in the face, but I just can't.. He's miles and miles away from me, that's why! /an Oh, okay.

Dear Diary,

It's pretty late here. I should go to sleep, maybe in a bit. My day was good. There were two downsides to my day. One was the assembly for Cinco De Mayo, I didn't get it. SIGH. It was in Spanish; don't they know that there's different minorities in this school?!! Oh, well. I'll get over it. Secondly, my tummy was bothering me! It was like I was being stabbed at! It was painful! I'm happy, it gone away. (: I'm craving pasta... but I shouldn't eat before I go to sleep. ): I guess I'll just get a snack. :D

Fin. :]<3!


dear diary,



Dear Diary,

Forgot my homework... FML

The end.


Dear Diary,

Went to the vet today, my kitty got hit by a car, no bones broke or anything but its having problem breathing :/ Must have gotten to the lungs, I am not really sure. Doctor said we have to wait and see in 3 days. All I can do is just give it medicines and stuffs.

The End.

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