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Arvin Jonathan Cabanas

Martyr's Reckoning/shield Chain/reflect?

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i know i've already asked question about which character to choose, pal or lk. And i've decided to choose lk.

But now, i am wondering which build is the best for pal, MARTYR's/SHIELD chain/Reflect?

Pls include the cards that are best too.


I prefer for Reflect men + Devo type paladin


look no offense if you like it or anyone else that does but shield chain just doesnt cut it here. forget it. unless you plan just to annoy people with it then ya its a funky move.

Matyre can be nerfed easy, you need to hybrid your builds to make it succesful for example throw in a weapon with whitesmith card, aim to break opponents armor then go back a to dmg and matyre away. Or another example is to throw on edge so opponent will switch to a gtb ! nerfing their reduction because the lost of usakoring etc etc i can give you actual builds if u want


I can be all type in one. Just perfect build and a lot of shits in inventory.

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