Adamxd Posted November 29, 2009 Report Posted November 29, 2009 Lol magic class like prof its not so weak... 3 fire bolts and eg sinx is dead. Change wizzards. I think nerfing gtb would solve your problems.
Gilgamesh Posted November 29, 2009 Report Posted November 29, 2009 We need to fuck the players so they can be competent.
Oppa Posted November 29, 2009 Report Posted November 29, 2009 Sensation said: I wasn't provoking a discussion, but as you wish, we'll modify things at our discretion without inquiring what the public wants. We want to give the public a chance to have some meaning, it's a server they are playing and we want to give everyone a wonderful gaming experience. Thanks for your posts and we will go do it trial-and-error from now on then. forums are supposed to be a discussion place, specially on a topic like this, just dont take it personal...i dont "wish" that .. anyway, like others said casters right now r just farmers, complains comes after any, ANY change, even if its for good, or bad or better or worse...most ppl always complain, its just how it works...u dont need 5 months of feedback to make a change imo, at the end there will b ppl ok with it n ppl against it when u get to the point in where 50 ppl tells u CHANGE, n other 50 tells u QQ !!.. u do what ? (pst pst, decide urself bcz thats what the high authorities do for the best of the rest)
SketchyAngel Posted November 29, 2009 Report Posted November 29, 2009 I kinda agree. Do you remember what happened with the RoP's when they first came out? Look at how many people QQ'd about that, and how many people told them off.
Nyanko Posted November 29, 2009 Report Posted November 29, 2009 Are you honestly saying priests are overpowered? They're one of the most /underpowered/ classes here, apart from gs, gypsy/clown, yadayada. Holylight fracking sucks even with 2x fbh, 2x int belts and a soul link. Gtb, fcp. Battle priest sucks lately also, unless you got like a thana and shit, even then it's pretty low. That's all I have to type because it kinda annoys me how people are like OMG PRIEST R OVARPOWERED LETZ FUCKING NURF THEM MOAR DEN THEY ALREADY ARE HEH. Why not actually? It'll give ultimate unbalance.
Devotion Posted November 29, 2009 Report Posted November 29, 2009 You know, we didn't change the classes right away. They were exactly as gravity made them, but with HR specs. I don't know where you're getting the idea that we've changed the classes. We've nerfed a few things on strong classes as we went.
Adamxd Posted November 29, 2009 Report Posted November 29, 2009 Nyanko said: Are you honestly saying priests are overpowered? They're one of the most /underpowered/ classes here, apart from gs, gypsy/clown, yadayada. Holylight fracking sucks even with 2x fbh, 2x int belts and a soul link. Gtb, fcp. Battle priest sucks lately also, unless you got like a thana and shit, even then it's pretty low. That's all I have to type because it kinda annoys me how people are like OMG PRIEST R OVARPOWERED LETZ FUCKING NURF THEM MOAR DEN THEY ALREADY ARE HEH. Why not actually? It'll give ultimate unbalance. Clown underpowered? Come and beat my clown plz. And priests are supporting class and they hard to kill.
Oppa Posted November 30, 2009 Report Posted November 30, 2009 (edited) i think no class is underpowered...for Lowrates at least, just that at high rates some scale better than others, basically dag sinx with edp n asura dmg scales awesome for HR, its not rare than a HR population has too many champs n sinxs... go any server n they r the most played chars if they didnt get a huge nerf Edited November 30, 2009 by Oppa
SketchyAngel Posted November 30, 2009 Report Posted November 30, 2009 SinX's aren't supposed to have so much HP. They were built to be FLEE chars, thus why they have EDP in the first place. Wizards are supposed to be amazing magic classes. GTB on an official server is dropped at 0.01. Which is what this server should have had. Champions shouldn't be able to asura so fast, but hey. Look at the yggs. They're the currency. Paladins are supposed to have TONS of HP, considering they are built to be tanks. But hey, they have none! I find this server is geared towards having everyone wearing the same shit, using the same skills, having the same builds.
Gilgamesh Posted November 30, 2009 Report Posted November 30, 2009 (edited) SketchyAngel said: I find this server is geared towards having everyone wearing the same shit, using the same skills, having the same builds. same skills = true. same builds = true(with very minimal variations). same shit = true but everyone wears same shit in every server there is, except for fancy haedgears. same strategies = no. it's not possible to balance a HR server. Edited November 30, 2009 by Gilgamesh
Ethereal Posted November 30, 2009 Report Posted November 30, 2009 Adamxd said: Clown underpowered? Come and beat my clown plz. And priests are supporting class and they hard to kill. Clowns/gypsies aren't that underpowered. The only flaw is their HP. When I played gypsy, one of the biggest things that are extremely useful is tarot. That, and having a great amount of reductions and good timing for keeping a distance in range. ;) Priests are are indeed underpowered, even if they're hard to kill, it still means they will be killed.
Adamxd Posted November 30, 2009 Report Posted November 30, 2009 (edited) Good equips and skills make every class strong. Despite wizzards. Clowns are cool. Yea pallies and hp hahaha my lk has got more hp. Sinx has got more hp becuz ppl dont go full str build. Edited November 30, 2009 by Adamxd
Nyanko Posted November 30, 2009 Report Posted November 30, 2009 Devotion said: You know, we didn't change the classes right away. They were exactly as gravity made them, but with HR specs. I don't know where you're getting the idea that we've changed the classes. We've nerfed a few things on strong classes as we went. | v Adamxd said: Clown underpowered? Come and beat my clown plz. And priests are supporting class and they hard to kill. | v Ethereal said: Clowns/gypsies aren't that underpowered. The only flaw is their HP. When I played gypsy, one of the biggest things that are extremely useful is tarot. That, and having a great amount of reductions and good timing for keeping a distance in range. ;) Priests are are indeed underpowered, even if they're hard to kill, it still means they will be killed. They're not hard to kill if they don't abuse PD or high flee [most sinx use more than one phree in that case] Dispell anyone? Yuh. Once a priest loses their buffs they're out. Not to meantion you need A LOT of HP just to survive well on this server. I mentioned GS, Clown/Gypsy because they have low HP indeed and need over 200+ vit just to have decent HP as a sinx can have very little and manage to have tons of it. Actually, comparing all the gear to iRO and adding up the HP, high priest could have higher HP on iRO if it was a HR, heh. Comparing the damage it would be higher on iRO if it was indeed a HR also. Wat's up wit dat?!
Sensation Posted November 30, 2009 Report Posted November 30, 2009 Nyanko said: Actually, comparing all the gear to iRO and adding up the HP, high priest could have higher HP on iRO if it was a HR, heh. Comparing the damage it would be higher on iRO if it was indeed a HR also. Wat's up wit dat?! HR scales different, stat bonuses are only till a certain level (99) so they don't add up after that at all, explaining the odd difference. Yet I have to disagree somewhat, I've seen Assassins with 18-20K HP and it was fairly easy to gain too, paladins with 30k and LKs with ~25K.
Nyanko Posted November 30, 2009 Report Posted November 30, 2009 No rly?! OMGAWD I NEVAR KNEW U SO SMART. heh.
SketchyAngel Posted November 30, 2009 Report Posted November 30, 2009 I still say Paladins should have the most HP. They have skills that do more damaged based on their HP. And they're just built purely for tanking.
Nyanko Posted November 30, 2009 Report Posted November 30, 2009 SketchyAngel said: I still say Paladins should have the most HP. They have skills that do more damaged based on their HP. And they're just built purely for tanking. They normally do.
SketchyAngel Posted November 30, 2009 Report Posted November 30, 2009 Paladin, full HP gear. 500k. LK, same build, same gear. 870k.
Nyanko Posted November 30, 2009 Report Posted November 30, 2009 I can kinda understand LKs though, they're suppose to be the strongest and most overpowered class in RO. So it's funny when you see a LK die from a champ or a sinx.
kuoch Posted November 30, 2009 Report Posted November 30, 2009 Well, their is always a way around things if you play a class well enough.
Nyanko Posted November 30, 2009 Report Posted November 30, 2009 Yeah anyone who plays sinx really knows that they're doing rather than /converter /edp /click /ygg spam /backslide /cloak /meteor /click /yggspam. Damn doing that is so difficult. OMG OMG U HAZ TO BE PRO 2 PLAY CHAMP 2 CUZ NOT EVERY1 CAN ZEN AND FURY AND THEN ASURA THEN YGG OH AND DON'T FORGET THE ROOT HEH. O TSSING IS DIFFICULT 2. Gypsy/clown: ya I r in your netz cloakin away and den I pop out and tarot u wen sum1 atkz u heh. Priest: HI I KINDA DON'T WANT HIT U KNO SO I'MA JUST SPAM SAFETY WALL AND BUFFZ CUZ DAT HOW I ROLL AND DEN I HAZ 10K STRIP CARDS AND WS CARDS THAT I ABUSE ON U SINCE WE RLY SUCK AT EVERYTHING ELSE HEH! OMG DEY HAZ FCP N GTB AZ USUAL. Ninja: I r just here..ignore me /final strike HEH I KEEL U..WIT 30K DMG HEH. Ws: HEH I SPAM MY 25K-30K CART TERM ON U AND DIE IN A FEW HITS. Pally: I r just gonna sit here wit sum endure and w8 4 sum1 to atk me so den I can keel dem wit major l337hax reflect, o and I strip/break thur stuff and martyr! ALL I CAN DO IS DAT AND SPAM YGGZ. Bio: HEH I COOL U KNO I CAN BREAK STUFFZ O MEN DEY GOT FCP WAT I GUNNA DO OMGOMGOMG /spam bottles OMG LOW DMG OMGOMG. /gang. Lk: YA I R DA BEST, I R HAZ L337 HP AND L337 DMG U KNO OMGZ 100000000000M TSS THANA PWNTZ ME DAMN U VITDEF QQ. Sl: I rly can't do shit so I'm just gonna spam kaizel and put on OL's, hopefully it keels u since I rly can't do shit. Stalker: I R CAN STRIP /strip spam OMGZ O NOEZ FCP WAT I GUNNA DO /chase walk away /spams random shet /gtb ONOEZONOEZ!!!!! I R GET MAH OFFENSE SKILL DISPELLED WAT Wizzy: I R LIEK 2 RANDOM AND I DIE IN LIEK 1-2 HITS AFTER BUTTRAPING YOU WITH LOTS OF AOE. Sniper: In ur client spammin trapz and using frenzy and just shooting u or going reduct and coma and strip heh Tkr: HEH I HAZ TONZ OF HP AND I CAN SPAM KICKZ RLY FAST WIT NO KIELS KISS MY FEET /reflect owned Gs: I R HAZ ONLI 150K HP BUT I R DO MASSIVE DMG WIT THANA HEH /walk in /spam /dead Prof: so liek I haz a sl and I kinda dun wanna lose it u kno so I'm gunna spam sum fog on me, a safety wall and just stand here till sum1 hitz me /spam boltz /maya /ded OMG WPE Ro is funny.
kuoch Posted November 30, 2009 Report Posted November 30, 2009 Ahahaha! The funny thing is, all of that was true.
Adamxd Posted November 30, 2009 Report Posted November 30, 2009 (edited) kuoch said: Well, their is always a way around things if you play a class well enough. Agree. Dont like it, dont play or change class. Plz stop playing weak classes ---->no crying. Everything is alright despite wiZards and pally hp/lk hp. Lk too much, pally too low. Nyanko youre funny.really. I cant agree that everyone can do zeny fury zeny asura ygg in the same way. Look at Kucz San asura speed or kookoo or yukumaru. They are uber fast. That requires a lot practice. Edited November 30, 2009 by Adamxd
Nyanko Posted November 30, 2009 Report Posted November 30, 2009 (edited) good connection, low ping = fast asura heh. Edited November 30, 2009 by Nyanko