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Reinstate The Slot Enchanter

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This is an official NPC, there is no reason that we should not have it! If you want to put a huge warning that your item may break before it lets you choose to slot your items, then let it be so. I just really want to slot some items! I know A LOT of people want it reinstated, so make yourselves heard here please! :(


Yespls, once me and Jose was searching around morocc for a good hour trying to figure out where they moved it to, then we found out they removed it. q_q


Genesis didn't remove it because people's items were breaking, he had the idea to have slotted Ice Pick as a sort of prize for something. I'll ask him about it when I catch him.


^ Ya. I agree too, I like random slotted stuff. I miss my Slotted Cutlas and Slotted Sacred Mission. Indestructible Pally shield ftw.


Ahh, 4 slotted Orcish axes.. Very good indeed. But I've calculated the damage, and sad to say, F.Daggers are > Orcish axes :/ Tho I gotta tell ya'll, 3-4 slotted Infiltrators > any katar :3


I was looking for it too, I needed a sloted CK, and personally though that we could probably add the chnace to slot Valkyrie Armor set to put some competition versus Forsaken ones.


Will not be brought back for now, there are more important issue's to prioritize.


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