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New Custom Pet

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I was just fooling around and had crazy ideas:

1.Let's have a new pet! e.g: a Panda?! a bunny wabbit? XD


2. Put it as event prize or donation?


Tee hee~

Posted (edited)

Hm~ wonder if i can do it xP i have no clue how to D:

anyone willing to do it or teach me how to? xP

XD Fro mascot ~

might be true :P

Edited by tg`

Basicly you'd need good to excellent drawning skills :3 Or awesome photoshop proficiency XD

Make a monster and then sprite the monster into RO's style.

Then you need to basicly create several strings of images of the monster doing different things; standing, walking, attacking, using a skill, hurting and dying. All in three to four different angles :3

If it has custom skills, you'd also need to do the same for the skills sprites ^^ Then some of our awesome programmers could include it in game :3 Optionally you can also hand them the action scripts if you know how to make them...i...have no clue about programing! xD Not yet at least >.>


Well, if it's purely to be kept as a pet, it wouldn't need all the motions. It'd just need walking and standing.

If the other action frames are required just to implement the sprite, just use the standing frames unless it's going to be a monster on the field that can attack or be attacked. If it can only be obtained via donation/event, then it wouldn't matter.

Then all that would have to be drawn would be face forward at an angle, and back at an angle. Then just mirror the images for the other direction.


If you drew an outline of whatever, then maybe someone could attempt to sprite it?


Spriting's more complex than you originally think. Each sprite has to have the same palette in your photoshop, and the easiest way to do this is to decide on your colors beforehand, create a palette, and save it so you can import it into each individual frame. This doesn't mean each color has to be included in each frame, but the palette has to have all the colors used overall. One of your colors must be a certain background color (only certain colors can be used). Use the pencil tool on 1x pixel, and start in indexed mode; don't ever change it to RBG. Save in 8-bit BMP mode and they're ready for sprite conversion with SPR conview. If you manage that, then you can enjoy the perils of ActOR.


Is there a maximum number of colors that can be had in a sprite? Otherwise, I have an almost finished still sprite, though I don't see it completely suitable as a pet. .-. <- I is interested in sprite-ing.

Just have to tweak the image a little.


There is no limit, but you have to have a specific background color (I use c8f8d3), and your color table has to include all the colors you've used overall (but each one doesn't have to be used in every frame, hope that makes sense). Also, the color table has to be in the same color order in every frame, which is why I recommend premaking one with your colors and importing it afterward.

Image > Mode > Indexed color (before clicking OK, there is a palette option, under which you will find custom. This is where you import your custom palette)

Image > Mode > Color Table (this shows you all the colors in your image or custom palette)

To create your own palette, get a simple headgear sprite (you have to extract it, let me know if you don't know how), and then change the colors to the ones you want in your sprite; i don't know how to remove colors from a table, which is why i tell you to get a simple sprite that doesn't have many colors to begin with. If you want to add more colors than is listed that's easily done.

To change a color on your table just right click the specific box and your color picker will come up. It's a good idea to get your color codes written down before you start, and then type them in at the bottom where it says #.

Once you have your palette done, just click save and name it whatever you want.

Anyone is free to try spriting. Then maybe we could collectively finish that quest after all :)


I haven't done anything with palettes, but I know how to extract stuff.

So would it work if I:

1. Make all the frames

2. Put all the frames into one image

3. Reduce the colors to however many

4. Get the colors and stick them in the palette

5. Separate the frames into separate pictures (if required)

6. Stick the palette onto each picture.

Well, either this or that and it seems simple enough (for the technical parts anyway).

Well, seeing no limit makes it nice and I may stick more colors into things.

There is a limit in number of frames though per action, right?

Otherwise, I can at least continue my little sprite thing. I don't see how it helps finish the quest unless I suppose you mean have several people work on the sprite and put it all together. Hopefully the style doesn't change too much if that's what happens. .-.


No, because then the colors on your palette probably won't be in the same order, and you won't be able to convert your BMP's into a sprite. As for angle numbers, the maximum I've counted on a monster sprite was 10 images per angle, but you might be able to do more I'm not sure.

As for the quest and stuff, if we have several people doing different custom parts would really help.

Posted (edited)

As far as I can tell, it would be possible to change the colors later. (experimenting with it now)

And to remove colors from the color table, hold ctrl and click on the color. It will go poof. :3

Edit: It apparently does work. (Taking all sprites into one image, getting a palette (and combining like colors), and then cutting the images out of the combined image and giving them the main palette (since the general order of the palette is black then light to dark).

So... yeah... it works. .-.

Edited by Lilium
As far as I can tell, it would be possible to change the colors later. (experimenting with it now)

And to remove colors from the color table, hold ctrl and click on the color. It will go poof. :3

Edit: It apparently does work. (Taking all sprites into one image, getting a palette (and combining like colors), and then cutting the images out of the combined image and giving them the main palette (since the general order of the palette is black then light to dark).

So... yeah... it works. .-.

If you change the colors in your color table on a finished sprite those colors in your sprite will change to what you make it. So if most of his body is read and you change that red on your table to blue, all that red area will become that blue.

And yay now i know how to remove colors. Well you sound like you're in control. Just try to make it RO looking, which isn't always easy ^^


Would do the pet do more than just follow you around? Would there be more than one new pet implemented which could make for an additional, custom monster map to the Safari Zone? How is this idea attractive at all.


Sharp as always Exhibition.

If you want i could present a full presentation of this Idea. but unfortunately I am sick again.

So maybe another time. if you do not find it useful please move this post to rejected side or deleted it for

space. thank you for the time reading it and sorry i couldn't give a convenient presentation of the idea.

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