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Imperial Helms

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Posted (edited)

So since we got most imps and extras(orange+silver) , is it possible to also have the rest ?(White , black , pink etc.)

I don't really like the fact that if i want an imp or gvh for the extra stats , I'm gonna have to change pallete

I don't think it would hurt , what do you think ?

Edited by gamersrule26

Well I originally only wanted to suggest white Imp , but I dun know why I said all imps lol

But for white ------> GvG drop


The only thing that drops in GvG are players really, what you had in mind to 'calculate' the drop rate, a random number generator?


Yeah , I was thinking of the certificates that you get if you win GvG to trade for white/teal rucksack

Yeah , I was thinking of the certificates that you get if you win GvG to trade for white/teal rucksack

Rucksack or Imperial Helm?


No i was saying that maybe the Imp helm can be part of the rewards on GvG and that it can be earned by exchanging GvG certificates for it


but, how are you going to change the white colour of the imp? Unless you just keep the same white colour.

Posted (edited)

lighter/darker shade of white?

And if the white gets accepted , maybe teal too to match teal ruck ?

Edited by gamersrule26

when you get "dropped" pretty much means you died, so that's your explanation.

As for the white/teal helms, I think it's a pretty good idea, it would certainly be one of the rarest items in the game though seeing as there are no white/teal rucksacks so far.


I wouldn't mind the idea, but here's one problem I see:

Who's going to recolor them? As far as I know, Leni is busy with college and probably does not have the time for re-coloring for fRO. Basically, you can say she quit or is taking a long break.

So if anybody can re-color, then feel free to raise your hand.

Posted (edited)

Lol i tried doing teal on paint


opinions ?

Edited by gamersrule26

Not bad, 13 frames, 1-8 pictures each, for each headgear, so that's a maximum of 104 images you'll have to edit.

That'll be spriting =P

Anyway, doesn't look that bad.

And we do have a White Valkyrie Helm & Usakoring Rucksacks, so basically there are white rucksacks & imperial helmets already.

Posted (edited)

It's fine, could kill to be a bit darker though imo.

Actually I dug up some recolors I had made for my other server. If they interest anyone I can get the files off thur.


Edited by Nyanko

I like all the new sprite colors! So purrty ;-;


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