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Price Check On All The Rucks/rops/emps

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well since the market keeps changeing going up and down sometimes its hard to remember whats worth what lol

please list the prices of the rucks rops and emps


the only ones i really know are


leaf ruck 250

devi ruck 350

angel ruck 400

arch angel 450

ghostring ruck 550-650

panda ruck 600-700

marin ruck 600-650

i know im missing some but ive never bought or sold anyothers


red 350-400

white 450-500

blue 450-500

gold 450-500

teal 450-500

green 450-500


im not sure can someone fill in the blanks

or tell me if im wrong?


The ROPs use to be a donation i think and the others are castle drops from woe? im axually not to sure where they come from :P i havent played long enough yet lol but yea they are really expensive lol

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